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1st Ocean2k Workshop

Barcelona, B, Spain
Workshop report
Working groups
Meeting Category

Logo Ocean2K CMYKOcean2k's goal is to place marine climate changes of the past century within the context of the previous two millennia. Until now the group has not held an in person workshop; during phase 1 (2011-2015) the group met and collaborated virtually. Therefore, the beginning of phase 2 of the project is the perfect time to reinvigorate the group's scientific goals and leadership.

Workshop goals

The goals of the 2015 Ocean2k workshop (25-30 participants) are to develop, coordinate and significantly advance community-identified and driven phase 2 activities.

Team projects, which build new Ocean2k initiatives, emphasize syntheses of observations and simulations, build links across the PAGES2k network, and address PAGES2k phase 2 themes are particularly encouraged.

We hope that interested people will self-organize into teams, with the idea that representatives from these teams, in conjunction with pre-podcasting of framework ideas and post-workshop Ocean2k communications channels, will enable the workshop to reach beyond the meeting itself.

How to attend

Use the Ocean2k or paleoclimate listservs to call for interest from like-minded people inside or outside of the existing Ocean2k network, or contact us for suggestions:

The workshop proposal portal at is open for Ocean2k phase 2 proposal submissions. Please note that these proposals are for workshop support and focus themes only, and do not carry additional funding.

Contact the organizers. Deadline was 21 May 2015 but proposals may still be accepted during the proposal review period.

Based on the proposals we will invite representatives from teams to attend the 1st Ocean2k workshop. The workshop will form a milestone for phase 2 activities.

Team representatives will have the opportunity to:

* Give/receive feedback on phase 2 activities from the wider Ocean2k group

* Define new and concrete output products which are both feasible and timely

* Develop the trust and reciprocity essential to the Ocean2k working group function.

The workshop will focus on breakout teams to further Ocean2k science.

Keynote presentations will be delivered via podcasts in advance, maximising workshop time for discussion.

Outreach event

An outreach event with special guest speakers has been prepared for the workshop.
Date: October 8
Theme: "Climate over the past 2015 years and looking forward to the third millennium"
Further details at
Watch a video (total running time 5mins 37secs) from the Outreach event here. Over 100 students attended the event.

Important dates

23 April 2015 - Ocean2k phase 2 proposal submission open

21 May 2015 - Ocean2k phase 2 proposal submission deadline

May 2015 - Selection of workshop participants based on proposals

May to September 2015 - Refinement of projects and progress on project goals


Post-meeting material

PAGES Magazine workshop report

> Data, age uncertainties and ocean δ18O under the spotlight for Ocean2k Phase 2 (vol.24, no.1)