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PAGES-PMIP Working Group on Quaternary Interglacials: Warm extremes workshop

Cambridge, United Kingdom
Workshop report
Contact person
Emilie Capron & Chronis Tzedakis
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category

The new PAGES-PMIP Working Group on Quaternary Interglacial (QUIGS) will host its first meeting in Cambridge from 9-11 November 2015.


In its final synthesis paper PAGES' Past Interglacials Working Group (PIGS), the precursor to QUIGS, identified the LIG and MIS 11 as the warmest interglacials of the last 800 kyr. Though not exact analogues for future anthropogenic changes, these periods can provide insights into climate processes and feedbacks during periods of ‘excess warmth’.

While both interglacials have been considered by previous projects, our aim is to stimulate the work needed for the Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP), and this dictates an early consideration of these periods. Thus, during this QUIGS first workshop, we will assess emerging data syntheses and recent model experiments (e.g. Capron et al. 2014; Milker et al. 2013; Otto-Bliesner et al. 2013; Loutre et al. 2014). This will allow us to highlight data gaps and promote efforts to fill these gaps. In particular, we will identify critical datasets needed and define the much needed model protocols (including transient simulations).

Although the LIG has received the most emphasis in terms of data and modelling studies, prominent questions remain. In addition, despite much interest on MIS 11, the causes of its interglacial intensity remain poorly understood. There is, therefore, a critical need to synthesize data, to better constrain the timing of changes and to model the carbon cycle in order to address the following questions:

What was the character of the responses of temperature, the hydrologic cycle and monsoons, and sea ice to the orbital forcing during the LIG and MIS 11. How linear are the responses?

What was the character of millennial variability during the LIG and MIS 11? What portion of the response can be attributed to millennial forcings? 


Cripps Court

Magdalene College

1-3 Chesterton Road

Cambridge, CB4 3AD


To register

A limited number of places are available for the workshop. Expressions of interest should be sent to Chronis Tzedakis and Emilie Capron, with a short description of research experience on the topic by the 2nd of October 2015. A track record on the LIG and/or MIS 11 is essential.

We particularly welcome applications from early career researchers and from those based in developing economies working on relevant topics (partial financial support will be provided, subject to availability).


Emilie Capron - (ecap[at]bas[dot]ac[dot]uk)

Chronis Tzedakis - (p[dot]c[dot]tzedakis[at]ucl[dot]ac[dot]uk)