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PAGES 2k Network and PAST2K PMIP: Comparing data and model estimates of hydroclimate variability and change over the Common Era

Palisades, NY, United States
Workshop report
Contact person
Jason Smerdon
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category

hydro2k logo smallA joint workshop between the PAGES 2k Network of PAGES and the PAST2K working group of PMIP (Paleoclimate Model Intercomparison Project), titled "Comparing data and model estimates of hydroclimate variability and change over the Common Era", will be held at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University in Palisades, NY from 1-3 June 2016.

Hydroclimate is an increasing focus of the paleoclimate community and the last several years have seen important data products developed to study hydroclimate variability and change during the Common Era. A growing collection of proxy records have been selected and discussed by the PAGES 2K regional working groups and hydroclimate is targeted as the next key variable of study.

The meeting will be structured with two major organizational themes:

1. Participants will review the present status of the knowledge on (1) the interpretation and availability of hydroclimate proxies and reconstructions; (2) the role of internal variability and external forcings in the last-millennium simulations and the implications for hydroclimate; (3) the most appropriate techniques used for data-model comparison both for local hydroclimate proxies and syntheses; and (4) techniques for data assimilation and forward modeling.

2. A team of participants will organize themselves to lead preliminary diagnostic analyses between existing simulations and datasets and investigate suitable methods for data-model comparisons involving hydroclimate.

Workshop goals

The goals of the workshop are to:

1) promote discussion and collaboration across the PAGES2k and PMIP3 communities,

2) review Common-Era proxy archives appropriate for hydroclimate assessment,

3) review the current ensemble of coupled model simulations of the Common Era,

4) review and refine best practices for model-data comparisons of hydroclimate over the Common Era,

5) advance understanding of model assessments and constraints on future projections using model-data comparisons of hydroclimate over the Common Era,

6) define future goals, products and timelines for collaborations between the PAGES2k and PMIP3 communities, specifically with regard to hydroclimate.

Workshop program

The agenda is currently being drafted and some workshop attendees will be asked to present. There will be ample time for discussion, which should comprise a large portion of the agenda.

Workshop venue and logistics

Logistics are also being finalized, but the workshop will be held on the Lamont campus and hotel rooms will be reserved at a nearby hotel that also provides transport to and from campus. The majority of meals will be provided.

Financial support

Some travel funds are available* and we will do our best to extend those funds as broadly as possible. Priority nevertheless will be given to early career scientists and attendees from underrepresented regions.


What provide now, by emailing (pages2k[dot]pmip3[at]gmail[dot]com):

1) An expression of intent to attend the workshop no later than 15 March 2016.

2) An indication of whether you will need support to attend the meeting (if you have alternative means of funding it will help us to allocate more travel support to those who need it).

3) A brief description (5 sentences or less) of your own research that you see as most applicable to the workshop.

Additional information that you deem relevant is welcome and please feel free to follow up with any questions.

Workshop organizers

The workshop is being organized by co-chairs Jason Smerdon, Juerg Luterbacher and Steven Phipps and our local organizing committee (Laia Andreu Hayles, Brendan Buckley, Rosanne D'Arrigo, Yochanan Kushnir, Justin Mankin, Richard Seager and Deepti Singh).

Further information

Jason Smerdon

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University

61 Route 9W P.O. Box 1000 Palisades, NY 10964

Email: (jsmerdon[at]ldeo[dot]columbia[dot]edu)



Post-meeting material


A PDF copy of the agenda can be found here.

To access all the presentations, click on the various PDFs located here.

PAGES Magazine workshop report: > Hydro2k: Integrating proxy data and models for insights into past and future hydroclimate (vol.24, no.1)



The workshop was organized by Jason Smerdon and international co-chairs Juerg Luterbacher and Steven Phipps. A local organizing committee also helped with the planning and execution of the meeting: Laia Andreu Hayles, Brendan Buckley, Rosanne D'Arrigo, Yochanan Kushnir, Justin Mankin, Richard Seager and Deepti Singh. Additional administrative coordination was provided by Mercedes Paulino.


Kevin Anchukaitis (U of Arizona), Alyssa Atwood (UC Berkeley), Toby Ault (Cornell U), Seung Hun Baek (LDEO), Brendan Buckley (LDEO), Sloan Coats (CIRES), Kim Cobb (Georgia Tech), Ben Cook (NASA/GISS), Ed Cook (LDEO), Rosanne D'Arrigo (LDEO), Sylvia Dee (Brown U), Mike Evans (U of Maryland), Robert Field (NASA/GISS), Thomas Felis (U of Bremen), Ailie Gallant (Monash U), Michael Griffiths (William Paterson University), Laia Andreu Hayles (LDEO), Johann Jungclaus (MPI Hamburg), Bronwen Konecky (CIRES), Charuta Kulkarni (CUNY), Yochanan Kushnir (LDEO), Flavio Lehner (NCAR), Sophie Lewis (Austrailian National U), Allegra LeGrande (NASA/GISS), Caroline Leland (LDEO), Hans Linderholm (U of Gothenburg), Alex Lopatka (U of Maryland), Juerg Luterbacher (U of Giessen), Wenmin Man (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Justin Mankin (LDEO), Justin Maxwell (Indiana U), Atsushi Okazaki (U of Tokyo), Bette Otto-Bliesner (NCAR), Jonathan Palmer (U of New South Wales), Jud Partin (U of Texas), Eduardo Piovano (U of Córdoba), Steven Phipps (U of Tasmania), Christoph Raible (U of Bern), Mukund Rao (LDEO), Jack Scheff (LDEO), Gavin Schmidt (NASA/GISS), Richard Seager (LDEO), Deepti Singh (LDEO), Jason Smerdon (LDEO), Olga Solomina (Russian Academy of Sciences), Nathan Steiger (LDEO), Samantha Stevenson (NCAR), Jessica Tierney (U of Arizona), Martin Widmann (U of Birmingham), Davide Zanchettin (U of Venice), Huan Zhang (U of Giessen).

comparing data photo

Image credit: Francesco Fiondella.

Educational outreach event

After the completion of the scientific workshop, two dozen middle and high school educators attended an outreach event designed to present the major themes of workshop focus and to give the teachers an opportunity to interact with scientists in an informal and interactive setting. The event started with presentations by workshop attendees Gavin Schmidt and Kim Cobb discussing their two different approaches to studying Earth’s climate history, one through the use of computer modeling of the climate system and the other through the use of paleoclimatic records. A question and answer session followed the two presentations, afterwhich the teachers were given a chance to divide into small groups and pursue discussions with additional scientists from the workshop to discuss their research and ideas for inquiry-based learning activities for high-school students. An Earth Institute news piece on the event is available here.