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22nd Annual Meeting of the European Association for Archaeologists

Vilnius, Lithuania
Working groups
Meeting Category

The 22nd annual European Association for Archaeologists Conference will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania, from 31 August to 4 September 2016.

Conference themes

1. Interpreting the Archaeological Record (TH1)
2. Managing the archaeological heritage (TH2)
3. Theoretical and methodological perspectives in archaeology (TH3)
4. Archaeology of the Baltic region (TH4)
5. Science and multidisciplinarity in archaeology (TH5)
6. Archaeology without borders (TH6)

Read more about the themes here:


For a detailed breakdown of the program, go to:

For details of the venues, go to:


Deadline for abstracts is 15 February 2016.


PAGES-supported session

Human land use and subsistence history over the Holocene
Convenors: Nicki J. Whitehouse (School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Plymouth University, UK); Andrew Bauer (Department of Anthropology, Stanford University, USA), LuAnn Wandsnider (Department of Anthropology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)

We bring together archaeologists and palaeoecologists working on land-use and land-cover history over the Holocene, for any area or region of the world. Land use is inferred from settlement patterns, artefact scatters, plant and animal remains and off-site palaeoecological records. We especially wish to consider the range and intensity of subsistence activities at a regional and spatio-temporal scale. Land cover may be inferred from complimentary palaeoecological data.

A long-term focus, examining changes ~8000 cal BC to ~cal AD 1500 (10,000 BP – 500 BP), will allow progression towards a global overview of how subsistence and land cover has changed as a consequence of hunter-gatherer and agricultural activities across different regions of the world. We would like to concentrate especially (but not exclusively) on the following periods: the early Holocene ~8000 cal BC, the impacts and consequences of agricultural production (~4000 cal BC) and intensification (~2000 cal BC). More recent periods, focusing on areas outside of Europe, are also welcomed, as the chronology of activities are substantially different to Europe.

As we will take a global perspective, we expect diverse regional land use and subsistence practices to be explored. Papers that cover all or parts of these periods and contributions that synthesise understanding of subsidence practices and implications for land usage are welcomed.

This session will form part of activities of the PAGES-funded LandCover6k project (, an international and interdisciplinary working group dedicated to reconstructing global Holocene land use and land cover. The initial goal of this effort is to critically evaluate and improve models of anthropogenic land cover change being employed by climate scientists and ensure these are archaeologically robust and are well-informed by current understanding of human land use history.

Further information

For more information about the conference, go to the conference homepage: