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4th Landscape Archaeology Conference LAC 2016

Uppsala, Sweden
Working groups
Meeting Category

The 4th International Landscape Archaeology Conference, hosted by the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, will be held at Uppsala University, the oldest university in Scandinavia, from 23-25 August 2016.

Important dates

26 January: General Call for Papers published

1 April: Deadline for paper & poster proposals

15 May: Notification of paper acceptance

15 June: Deadline for early-bird registration

1 August: Deadline for registration

22 August: IHOPE meeting, Uppsala University

Monday 22-Thursday 25 August: LAC 2016 conference (incl. late registration).

Conference themes

Further details concerning the major themes of the conference - which will include landscape historical ecologies, heritage landscape services and landscapes of climate change - will be posted soon.


Registration for the Landscape Archaeology Conference 2016 is now open.

Please take advantage of the early-bird registration before 15 June.


An excursion to Gamla Uppsala will be arranged during the conference.

Post-conference excursions options will include:

1. Northern Uppland to visit sites associated with the iron industry by Walloon immigrants, especially during the 17th century

2. Gotland Island - well known for its prominence during the Viking Age

3. The architectural splendours of Visby - the main centre of the Hanseatic League during the 12th to 14th century.

4. There will also be opportunities to visit various prehistoric sites in Sweden.

Abstract submissions

Questions regarding abstract submission should be sent to the secretariat at (lac2016[at]arkeologi[dot]uu[dot]se)

Further information

For questions regarding other matters (e.g. exhibition, venues, and general information) please contact Professor Paul Lane at (paul[dot]lane[at]arkeologi[dot]uu[dot]se)

Event website:

PAGES-related sessions

1. "PAGES LandCover6k: mapping past global anthropogenic land cover and land use for climate modelling"

Contact: Marie-José Gaillard

This session will cover issues that fit in both themes "Integrated Approaches in Landscape Archaeology" and "Landscape Historical Ecology and Climate Change". The goal of PAGES’ LandCover6k working group ( is to achieve Holocene land-cover and land-use reconstructions that can be used to evaluate and improve the scenarios of anthropogenic land-cover change (ALCC) by Klein Goldewijk et al. (2011; HYDE) and Kaplan et al. (2009; KK) for the purpose of climate modeling studies (Gaillard et al. 2015).

LandCover6k focuses on the last 6000 calendar years, i.e. the period in the Holocene when anthropogenic deforestation occurred in most continents, but it will also cover older periods in regions where significant human impact on vegetation occurred earlier. LandCover6k has links to other research programs, in particular IHOPE (Intergrated History and Future of People on Earth), GLP (Global Land Project), PMIP (Palaeoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project), and PAGES-GPWG (Global Paleofire Working Group).

Climate modelers need quantitative information on past anthropogenic land cover and land use change to a) validate climate models, and b) study land use as one of the climate forcings, i.e. evaluate the effects of anthropogenic land-cover change through time and estimate the possible effects of current and future anthropogenic land-cover change on future climate. Data needs include cover of pasture and cropland, and quantification of e.g. wood harvest, use of fire, irrigation, fertilization, tillage, and grazing intensity.

We welcome all contributions within paleoecology, archeology and history dealing with these aspects of landscape history and ecology over short to long time sequences of the Holocene at any of the local to regional and continental spatial scales, and from any region of the world.

References: Gaillard MJ et al. (2015) PAGES Mag 23(1): 38-39; Klein Goldewijk K et al. (2011) Glob Ecol Biogeogr 20: 73-86; Kaplan JO et al. (2009) Quat Sci Rev 28: 3016-3034

2. "Land Use and Land Cover Change (LULCC) in pre-colonial sub-Saharan Africa"

Contact: (Andrea Kay)

This session will focus on the ways in which past societies of sub-Saharan Africa have influenced their environments and the new methods being used to study these dynamics. The diet, technology, culture, and economy of a society have varying physical manifestations on their surrounding landscape. For example, a stratified society with a trading economy, might have large populations living in urban centers and rely on managed pastureland and cultivated cropland in order to sustain the population and produce a surplus for trade, evidence of which can be found in historical, archaeological, archaeozoological, and archaeobotanical archives. Alternatively, a society of hunter-gatherers who range within a promoted or managed landscape might have environmental effects which are less visible in the archaeological record, but could be seen by anthrocologists, botanists, or ecologist.

Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the topic, this session will welcome papers from a variety of disciplines including, but not limited to, archaeology, botany, historical ecology, and modeling, in order to facilitate an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and promote discussion.