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VICS 2nd workshop

Zaragoza, Z, Spain
Contact person
Michael Sigl
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category

The second workshop of PAGES Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS) working group will be held in Zaragoza, Spain, on 9 May 2017.


The one-day workshop will be held at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) at the University of Zaragoza.


This meeting takes place during the day prior to the start of PAGES 5th Open Science Meeting (OSM), which runs from 9-13 May 2017. The OSM begins the evening of 9 May.

Workshop format

The format of the workshop will include a small number (3-4) of keynote talks, aimed at summarizing the main challenges and most recent advances in our understanding of the interactions between volcanic activity, global climate and societal changes. These keynote talks will motivate break-out group sessions where attendees will begin to shape and contribute to a selection of working group activities, potentially including (but not limited to):

- A dedicated VICS wiki, collecting and linking data and literature related to the strongest volcanic events of the past 2000 years.

- Compilation of a database linking ice core volcanic signals to actual eruptions in a probabilistic sense, based on multidisciplinary evidence.

- A review paper on “Volcanic eruptions, climate and society in the Common Era”.

- A single paper (or series of papers) with multidisciplinary discussion of (a) specific eruption(s).


8:30-9:00: Welcome, VICS Steering Committee

9:00-10:30: Keynote talks

9:00-9:30: Claudia Timmreck

9:30-10:00: Rob Wilson

10:00-10:30: Siwan Davies

10:30-11:00: Coffee Break

11:00-12:30: Discussion and workshop, "Data Products" (parallel)


Ice core/GVP link database

Volcanic cooling database

12:30-1:30: Lunch

1:30-2:30: Keynote talks

1:30-2:00: Martin Bauch

2:00-2:30: Anja Schmidt

2:30-4:00: Discussion, "Dissemination Products"

Eruption case studies

Other options

4:00-4:30: Coffee

4:30-6:00: Final discussion


Local and remote participants:

Peter Abbott, Kevin Anchukaitis, Thomas Aubry, Martin Bauch, Oliver Bothe, Andrea Burke, Olga Churakova, Margot Clyne, Christophe Corona, Siwan Davies, Chaochao Gao, Demaree Gaston, Emma Gatti, Fabio Gennaretti, Sébastien Guillet, Marina Gurskaya, Pamela Harvey, Katrin Kleeman, Franck Lavigne, Allegra LeGrande, Francis Ludlow, Lauren Marshall, Nicolas Maughan, Kurt Nicolussi, Mukund Palat Rao, Francesco Pausata, Steven Phipps, Gill Plunkett, Luciana Prado, Kira Rehfeld, Felix Riede, Alan Robock, Anja Schmidt, Lea Schneider, Lauren Shotter, Michael Sigl, Markus Stoffel, Claudia Timmreck, Matthew Toohey, Sam White, Rob Wilson, Wyss Yim, Brian Zambri.

YSM overlap

Please note that the VICS workshop does unfortunately overlap with the last day of the PAGES Young Scientists Meeting. The working group leaders apologize to young scientists who would have liked to attend both.

Financial support

Limited financial support for travel is available from PAGES for the general OSM but not specifically for the VICS workshop. Members of the VICS community who cannot physically attend the meeting are invited to contribute to the break-out sessions remotely, through access to web-based documents. The possibility of live streaming the workshop presentations is also being explored.


If you plan to attend the VICS17 workshop (either in physical form or remotely), please register by 20 December 2016 by sending a short email to Matthew Toohey: (mtoohey[at]geomar[dot]de). If possible, indicate your preferred VICS activity, whether it is listed above or you have something else in mind.

OSM session

A VICS session (Session 8), titled "Volcanic eruptions: the thread connecting climate records, societal change and future climate projections?", will be held during the OSM.

This session is co-sponsored by the VolMIP and PMIP initiatives of the 6th phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6), INQUA INTAV (International focus group on Tephrochronology and Volcanism), and the Climate History Network.

More information:

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