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Holocene Global Land Use (HOLA) Workshop

Barcelona, B, Spain
Contact person
Kathy Morrison
Working groups
Meeting Category

The Holocene Global Land Use (HOLA) Workshop will be held from 25-26 January 2018 in Barcelona, Spain.

This is a workshop of the LandCover6k working group.


Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Campus Ciutadella


25 January:
9:00: Gathering at the Mercé Rodoreda Building at Ciutadella Campus of UPF
9:00-­10:00: Presentation of participants – each one can introduce her/himself with a 5 mins talk about the current research and possible contributions to the workshop.
10:00-10:45: Introducing the scope of HoLa and LandCover6k for understanding land use during the Holocene – K Morrison, M Madella, N Whitehouse
10:45-11:00: Coffee break
11:00-11:30: Questions and clarifications on the introduction
11:30-13:00: Discussion on further developing regional categories
13:00-­14:00: Lunch at UPF cafeteria
14:00-15:30: Discussion on further developing regional categories and on possible links between the developed categories and current land-use categories used by modelers (e.g. intensive vs extensive agriculture, managed forests, etc.)
15:30-15:45: Coffee break
15:45-17:30: Discussion on further developing regional categories and on possible links between the developed categories and current land-use categories used by modelers (e.g. intensive vs extensive agriculture, managed forests, etc.)
Evening: Workshop dinner

26 January:
9:00-­10:45: Discussion on categories refinement (what is pastoral? what is irrigated agriculture? etc) and on possible links between the developed categories and current land-use categories used by modelers (e.g. intensive vs extensive agriculture, managed forests, etc.)
10:45-11:00: Coffee break
11:00-­13:00: Discussion on categories refinement (what is pastoral? what is irrigated agriculture? etc) and on possible links between the developed categories and current land-use categories used by modelers (e.g. intensive vs extensive agriculture, managed forests, etc.)
13:00-­14:00: Lunch at UPF cafeteria
14:00- 16:00: As in the morning, whatever further needs discussion and suggestions for regional “leaders” for developing packets of the land-use strategy at regional level.

Further information

Please contact the LandCover6k working group leaders.