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INQUA–INTAV International Field Conference and Workshop: Crossing New Frontiers - Tephra Hunt in Transylvania

Brașov, Romania
Working groups
Meeting Category

The INQUA–INTAV International Field Conference and Workshop: Crossing New Frontiers - Tephra Hunt in Transylvania will be held from 24-29 June 2018 in Brașov, Romania.


The conference is to take place in the idyllic Transylvanian rural mountainous, near the city of Brașov, dotted with medieval castles (including Dracula’s castle), and with views of the Carpathian Mountains. A number of key note speakers from a wide range of disciplines have been confirmed, and the conference will include a 1-day mid-conference field trip and a 3-day post-conference field trip, as well as three days of scientific talks and workshop events.

Key dates

- 7 April 2018: Deadline for application for travel support by ECRs/students

- 30 April 2018: End of early-bird registration, deadline for registering for postconference trip, notification of ERCs/students travel grants.

- 1 May 2018: Final abstract submission deadline


Access the registration form here:

Further information

Go to the official website:

VICS-endorsed session

We would like to draw your attention to the VICS-endorsed session. The PAGES Working Group Volcanoes Climate and Society (VICS) focuses on reconstructing the history of past explosive volcanism, in addition to utilizing this knowledge to better understand how the climate system responds to changes in radiative forcing, and how societies have been impacted by and responded to the resulting climatic shocks. High-precision dating of volcanic eruptions is crucial for any comparisons of climate reconstruction with forcing agents, model simulations, historical sources and archaeological evidence. The study of far-travelled crypto-tephra extracted from ice cores from Greenland, Antarctica and on mountain glaciers have revolutionized the fields of tephrochronology and geochronology. We realized that integrating data between sciences can provide an exceptionally rich and detailed record of volcanic activity and global climate forcing.

Whereas our main focus is currently centered on the Common Era we intend to expand our temporal focus to cover the full Holocene and beyond in the next phase of the working groups project (2019-2021) opening up new avenues of interdisciplinary research with tephrochronologists, volcanologists, and archaeologists. We welcome presentations on research presenting or combining geological, historical, anthropological, archaeological, or other methods to better understand a volcano’s eruption history, or the climatic and/or societal impact of such events. We hope to discover and discuss new results on the timeline and locations of past volcanic activity, their resulting radiative and chemical atmospheric perturbations, their climatic impacts and consequences on past human societies.

Additional details are available online: and in the first circular

Students and early-career researchers are especially welcome.

Questions about the VICS session can be sent to Michael Sigl: (michael[dot]sigl[at]psi[dot]ch)