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Global Land Programme 4th Open Science Meeting

Bern, Switzerland
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The Global Land Programme will hold their 4th Open Science Meeting from 24-26 April 2019 in Bern, Switzerland.

The theme is "Transforming Land Systems for People and Nature."


GLP had its first OSM from 17-19 October 2010 at Arizona State University, Tempe, USA; second from 19-21 March 2014 at Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany; and third from 24-27 October 2016 at China National Convention Center, Beijing, China.


Land use is key for achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in an increasingly threatened global environment. Should land system science produce a unifying vision for the planet? How do global narratives for use of land correspond to what people want when striving for access to land across diverse and distinctive regions? How can we support transformations that mutually reinforce global sustainability visions and goals, and people’s aspirations and needs?

Meeting aims

This conference represents a unique opportunity to build and enhance scientific capacity and enable transformations to a sustainable future by identifying core questions, synthesizing research, and setting future agendas. Conference attendees will strive to develop connections between researchers and stakeholders from civil society, government, and the private sector, and to bridge science and decision-making for sustainable management and governance of land use worldwide.

Main themes

1. What are the visions for the planetary land system? Land as the nexus for addressing global challenges

2. What do people want from land? Navigating the trade-offs and fostering synergies in land systems

3. How do we support transformation? New frontiers in studying and governing land systems

Call for abstracts and registration

*Abstract extension - new deadline date 5 November 2018.*

Abstracts will be accepted until 30 October 2018. Notification of acceptance will be sent 15 December.

Submit your abstract and register here:


The full program is available here:

Further information

Go to the conference website:

Questions can be sent to: (osm2019[at]glp[dot]earth)


LandCover6k: The deep history of global land-use change – needs and potentials for earth system modelling and understanding of socio-ecological systems (Session 114R)

Session Organizers: Marie-Jose Gaillard and Erle Ellis

Land-use and related land-cover change transform environments in multiple interacting ways, including feedbacks with human social change and land use itself. Early changes in land use are known to have altered global patterns of biodiversity and climate that have potent impacts on these into the present time. This session explores relationships between land-use change and the environment, in particular biodiversity and climate, based on long-term reconstructions from paleoecological and archaeological evidence that enable these complex processes to be understood and modelled over long time periods.

Reconstructions of past land-use and anthropogenic land-cover change over past millennia also enable hypotheses on long-term processes, feedbacks and dynamics at global scale to be tested using Earth System Modelling and socio-ecological models. The PAGES LandCover6k working group is an example of recent efforts to achieve plausible quantitative reconstructions of past land use and land cover useful for Earth System Modelling, and that can also be used in other types of modelling. These reconstructions are based on pollen-inferred plant cover, and mapping and interpretation of archaeological data. Other initiatives have used alternative methods such as population-growth modelling based on databases of 14C dates from archaeological sites, and models of the relationship between population growth and land-use/deforestation.

This session welcomes all contributions on sub-continental to global reconstructions of past long-term land-use change and/or applications of these reconstructions in hypothesis testing related to changes in biodiversity, climate and other global environmental change processes.