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1st PAGES Webinar - "The Linked Paleo Data framework (LiPD) - introduction and open discussion"

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PAGES is pleased to host its first webinar on Wednesday 17 October 2018 focusing on the Linked Paleo Data framework (LiPD).

LiPD is a community data framework designed to simplify the sharing, reuse and analysis of paleoclimate data. The webinar will be made of a short presentation, followed by time for questions and discussions.

The Linked Paleo Data framework (LiPD) - introduction and open discussion
By Nick McKay (Northern Arizona University, USA)

When: Wednesday 17 October 2018, 15:00 UTC, your local time here.

All important additional information, the agenda, and detailed instructions on how to connect are in this document (pdf, 160KB).

We realize that the selected time is not optimal for our members from Asia and Australia, but it was chosen to allow for a widest participation of our WG representatives. For those who won’t be able to attend, we will (1) record the webinar and add it to our webpage, and (2) respond to questions via other channels.

Watch a recording of the full webinar here on PAGES' YouTube channel.