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Iso2k Mini-Retreat: Write-A-Thon #3

Online meeting
Contact person
Bronwen Konecky
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category

The PAGES 2k Network Iso2k project will hold an online Mini-Retreat on 23 January 2019.

This is the final of five Mini-Retreats (access information about the first, second, third and fourth).

*This is a closed meeting for Iso2k members only.*


Retreat #2: The Iso2k Write-A-Thon

Group leaders are trying to make these retreats as fun, productive, and community-strengthening as an in-person workshop.

The first Write-A-Thon session of this retreat took place on 20 December 2018 from 15:00-21:00 UTC.

The second Write-A-Thon session of this retreat took place on 3 January 2019 from 22:30-04:30 UTC.

This third Write-A-Thon session takes place on 23 January 2019 from 15:00-21:00 UTC (find your time and date here).

During this Write-A-Thon, the Iso2k group will discuss, interpret, and summarize results from the following analyses that are currently being considered for inclusion in the global synthesis paper*:

Figure 1: PAGES2k temp, PAGES2k-Isotopes, Iso2k reconstructions [Nick]
Figure 2: Global and regional PCAs (all data, by archive, and by inferred material) [Jon] and PCAs from iCESM [Sam]
Figure 3: latitude vs. mean d18O (or "recent/coretop" d18O) (by archive) [Matt and Matt]
Figure 4: MCA vs LIA analysis (using trends ) [Matt F, Alyssa]
Figure 5: 1850-present trends [Bronwen, Diane, Jess, Sam]
Figure 6: Archive and inferred-material specific trends [Matt F]

*Note: This figure list is only a rough guide. We discussed many other possible analyses in our Write-A-Thon #2. If you’re interested in something that is not on this list, by all means analyze it!

Further information

Contact group leader Bronwen Konecky