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LandCover6k: New Land-Cover and Land-Use Datasets for evaluation and improvement of Anthropogenic Land-Cover Change Scenarios

Online meeting
Workshop report
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Chad Hill
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Meeting Category

The PAGES LandCover6k working group 4th General Workshop, titled "New Land-Cover and Land-Use Datasets for evaluation and improvement of Anthropogenic Land-Cover Change Scenarios", will be held from 2-4 December 2021.

(This workshop was originally planned for 9-10 October 2020)




This is the 4th General Workshop of LandCover6k, and the final one of the working group's second phase (2018-2021).

LandCover6k terminated as an official PAGES working group at the end of 2021. The research groups involved in the work are, however, still active and plan for new collaborative initiatives studying past land-use and land-cover change for multiple research questions. 

The Workshop had the aim to present and discuss all LandCover6k LULC products to date, the evaluations of Anthropogenic Land-Cover Change scenarios, and the results of climate model experiments (if available) performed so far.

The goal was to make an evaluation of the work and plan future activities building upon the results of seven years of collaboration within the working group. 


Following several years of preparation and capacity-building, LandCover6k is now moving into a next phase of data collection, analysis and application. Following extensive and iterative consultation at a number of international meetings, the Land Use group has finalised the classification system and the geodatabase platform within which data will be collated, and we are now in the process of training members of our regional sub-groups in their use.

During Phase 1 of LandCover6k (2015-2018), pollen-based reconstructions of past land cover were achieved for most of the northern hemisphere North of 40 degrees. Since 2018 progress was made for the Mediterranean area, parts of Africa, southern China and India, and new reconstructions will be available for these regions by the time of the workshop. Until now, the two strands of data gathering (land use and land cover) have operated independently - this next phase of work generates products that synthesise these data to explicit assess past anthropogenic land cover change (ALCC), the stated goal of LandCover6k.

To this end, a PAGES-sponsored workshop held in Sitges, Spain, in September 2018, brought together members of the climate modeling community with paleoecologists and archaeologists working on land use and land cover (LULC) to design experiments that test how our products affect simulations of the climate-carbon cycle, in order to identify which data are most pertinent and refine our reconstructions accordingly. A Past Global Changes Magazine issue discusses these in detail.

This workshop will provide a forum for the wider LandCover6k network – archaeologists, paleoecologists, climate modelers – to evaluate and refine our data collection protocols, plan publications and other modes of dissemination and communication, and develop strategies for future products and experiments. These discussions will be essential for the continued success of LandCover6k and for that of the next generation of paleoclimate reconstructions.


2 December

1:00-4:00 PM GMT - Introduction, Modeling, and the Americas

Session Chair: Kathy Morrison

1:00-1:25 - Marie-José Gaillard: PAGES LandCover6k: potential and challenges in producing a global product on Holocene land-cover and land-use changes useful for climate and environmental research – and visions for future research collaboration

1:25-1:50 - Kathy Morrison and Emily Hammer: Past Global Land Use, An Overview

1:50-2:15 - Kees Klein Goldewijk: Holocene land use reconstructions; an update on HYDE 3.3

2:15-2:40 - Andria Dawson: Reconstructing North American Holocene Land Cover from Fossil Pollen: Space, Time, and Uncertainty

2:40-2:55 - 15 Minute Break

2:55-3:20 - Chad Hill: Per Capita Land Use and Global Climate Change Models: A New Database Tracking Land Use Through Time and Space

3:20-3:45 - Anne Dallmeyer: Holocene vegetation changes in MPI-ESM1.2 (including model-data comparison)

3:45-4:10 - Erle Ellis: Key issues in global land use reconstructions for assessing global ecological change

> Watch recording

3 December

11:00 AM-1:00PM GMT - Topical Session: Asia, Australia, and the Middle East

Session Chair: Marie-José Gaillard

11:00-11:15 - Qiuchi Wan and Zhuo Zheng: Land cover changes of the last 6,500 years in subtropical China 

11:15-11:30 - Yuecong Li: Vegetation quantitative reconstruction of Late Holocene in the Qinhuangdao area, western coast of Bohai Sea, North China 

11:30-11:45 - Yao Zhang: Holocene vegetation changes in Eastern Central China based on the REVEALS model 

11:45-12:00 - Ryoma Hayashi, Naoko Sasaki, Hikaru Takahara, Shinya Sugita: Estimation of absolute pollen productivity based on flower counting approach and its application for REVEALS-based reconstruction of regional vegetation around Lake Biwa, Japan

12:00-12:15 - Navya Reghu: The Challenges ahead for quantitative Landcover reconstruction: An illustrative case study of a high resolution Late Holocene pollen record from the Western Ghats Biodiversity hot spot

12:15-12:30 - Shicheng Li: Reconstruction of Cropland Areas for South Asia Over Past Millennium

12:30-12:45 -  Caishan Zhao: Gridded reconstruction of cropland in China during the past millennium and the comparison with global datasets

> Watch recording

3 December

1:00-5:00PM GMT - Asia, Australia and Middle East

Session Chair: Nicki Whitehouse

1:00-1:25 - Yuanhao Sun and Qinghai Xu: A review of relative pollen productivity estimates in China and its application of pollen-based land-cover reconstruction in North China

1:25-1:50 - Anneli Poska: Holocene land-cover change in China - climate or land use driven? 

1:50-2:15 - Johan Lindström: interpolation of Holocene REVEALS land-cover estimates

2:15-2:40 - Lynn Welton, Dan Lawrence, Emily Hammer, and Michelle De Gruchy: A Multi-Proxy Reconstruction of Anthropogenic Land Use in the Middle East at 6 kya: Combining Archaeological, Ethnographic and Environmental Datasets

2:40-2:55- 15 minute Break

2:55-3:20 - Michela Mariani: Land-cover reconstructions in Australia: the journey and latest Developments

3:20-3:45- Jennifer Bates: The progress of the South Asia working group: 12k, 6k and the future

3:45-4:10 - Navya Reghu and Anupama Krishnamurthy:Quantifying pollen records in tropical South Asia - the first steps in southeast Indian Landcover reconstruction

4:10-4:35 - Alice Yao: New Land Use Reconstructions for China at 6k

4:35-5:00 - Katie Manning et al.: Data representation of African Land Use at 6ka

> Watch recording

4 December 

1:00 - 3:15PM GMT- Europe and Africa 

Session Chair: Marco Madella

1:00-1:25 - Nicki Whitehouse and Marc Vander Linden: Europe Land Use at 6000 BP

1:25-1:50 - Jed Kaplan and Ralph Fyfe: Europe LC; REVEALS/KK/Hyde

1:50-2:15 - Gustav Strandberg: Regional climate model simulations of the mid-Holocene in Europe using pollen-based land-cover

2:15-2:30 - 15 Minute Break

2:30-2:55 - Marie-José Gaillard: First pollen-based REVEALS reconstruction of Holocene plant cover in Africa: a case study in Cameroon

2:55-3:20 - Marco Madella, Nicki Whitehouse, Kathy Morrison: LandCover6k, what next on land use?

2:55-3:15 - "Celebration of seven years collaboration"

> Watch recording


Since 2018, LandCover6k has organized focused workshops aimed at achieving first priority products for the purpose of climate modeling. These products include pollen-based quantitative reconstructions of land-cover (LC) change over the Holocene, and archaeology-based land-use (LU) maps and per-capita estimates for key time windows of the Holocene. These LULC products are either global or hemispheric/continental/subcontinental.

This General Workshop has the aim to present and discuss all LandCover6k LULC products to date, the first evaluations of HYDE and revised ALCCs, and the results of the modeling experiments performed during 2019. The goal will be to make a first overall evaluation of the work so far, and plan the last year of LandCover6k's Phase 2 and its synthesis.


Registration is closed.

Further information

Go to the official workshop website.

Questions can be sent to workshop organizers Kathy Morrison: (kathy[dot]morrison[at]sas[dot]upenn[dot]edu) or Chad Hill: (ChadHill[at]sas[dot]upenn[dot]edu)

Subscribe to the LandCover6k mailing list.

Post meeting material

> Watch the recording of the first session, 2 December 2021: "Introduction, Modeling, and the Americas”

The lineup is as follows:

  • Marie-José Gaillard - PAGES LandCover6k: potential and challenges in producing a global product on Holocene land-cover and land-use changes useful for climate and environmental research – and visions for future research collaboration
  • Kathy Morrison, Emily Hammer, and Chad Hill - Using Archaeological Data to Reconstruct Land Use: Strategies for Global Research 
  • Kathy Morrison, Marco Madella, and Nicki Whitehouse - Land Use Mapping and Analysis: Where Are We Now? An Overview 
  • Kees Klein Goldewijk - Holocene land use reconstructions; an update on HYDE 3.3
  • Erle Ellis - Key issues in global land use reconstructions for assessing global ecological change 

15 Minute Break 

  • Chad Hill et al.- Per Capita Land Use and Global Climate Change Models: A New Database Tracking Land Use Through Time and Space
  • Andria Dawson - Reconstructing North American Holocene Land Cover from Fossil Pollen: Space, Time, and Uncertainty 

> Watch the recording of the second session, 3 December 2021: "Topical Session - Asia, Australia, and the Middle East”

The lineup is as follows:

  • Qiuchi Wan and Zhuo Zheng - Land cover changes of the last 6,500 years in subtropical China 
  • Yuecong Li - Vegetation quantitative reconstruction of Late Holocene in the Qinhuangdao area, western coast of Bohai Sea, North China
  • Yao Zhang - Holocene vegetation changes in Eastern Central China based on the REVEALS model 
  • Ryoma Hayashi, Naoko Sasaki, Hikaru Takahara, Shinya Sugita - Estimation of absolute pollen productivity based on flower counting approach and its application for REVEALS based reconstruction of regional vegetation around Lake Biwa, Japan 
  • Navya Reghu - The Challenges ahead for quantitative Landcover reconstruction: An illustrative case study of a high resolution Late Holocene pollen record from the Western Ghats Biodiversity hot spot 
  • Shicheng Li - Reconstruction of Cropland Areas for South Asia Over Past Millennium
  • Caishan Zhao - Gridded reconstruction of cropland in China during the past millennium and the comparison with global datasets 

> Watch the recording of the third session, 3 December 2021: "Global Session: Asia, Australia and the Middle East”

The lineup is as follows:

  • Yuanhao Sun and Qinghai Xu - A review of relative pollen productivity estimates in China and its application of pollen-based land-cover reconstruction in North China 
  • Anneli Poska - Holocene land-cover change in China - climate or land use driven? 
  • Johan Lindström - interpolation of Holocene REVEALS land-cover estimates 
  • Lynn Welton, Dan Lawrence, Emily Hammer, and Michelle De Gruchy - A Multi-Proxy Reconstruction of Anthropogenic Land Use in the Middle East at 6 kya: Combining Archaeological, Ethnographic and Environmental Datasets 

15 minute Break 

  • Michela Mariani - Land-cover reconstructions in Australia: the journey and latest Developments 
  • Jennifer Bates - The progress of the South Asia working group: 12k, 6k and the future 
  • Navya Reghu and Anupama Krishnamurthy - Quantifying pollen records in tropical South Asia - the first steps in southeast Indian Landcover reconstruction 
  • Alice Yao - New Land Use Reconstructions for China at 6k 
  • Katie Manning et al. - Data representation of African Land Use at 6ka 

> Watch the recording of the fourth session, 4 December 2021: "Global Session: Europe and Africa"

The lineup is as follows:

  • Nicki Whitehouse and Marc Vander Linden - Europe Land Use at 6000 BP 
  • Jed Kaplan, Ralph Fyfe, and Marie-Jose Gaillard - Land cover reconstructions for Europe and comparisons with ALCC scenarios 
  • Gustav Strandberg - Regional climate model simulations of the mid-Holocene in Europe using pollen-based land-cover 

15 Minute Break 

  • Marie-José Gaillard - First pollen-based REVEALS reconstruction of Holocene plant cover in Africa: a case study in Cameroon 
  • Marco Madella, Nicki Whitehouse, Kathy Morrison - LandCover6k, what next on land use?