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ECN webinar: How to successfully publish a scientific article

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The PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN) launched in February 2018 and is open to all paleoscience early-career researchers (ECRs).


The ECN is happy to announce the next webinar "How to successfully publish a scientific article" will be held on 26 September 2019.

There is no need to register for this event.

It is now available to view on the ECN YouTube channel here.


The presenter will be Thierry Corrège, editor of Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.


The session will be held twice on the same day, at 8:00 (GMT) and 16:00 (GMT), to maximize international participation.

How to join

To participate in the live Webinar, please follow the instructions:

1. Go to

2. Tick "Enter as Guest" and enter you name

3. Click on "Enter Room"

4. Please note, you will need to download Adobe Connect to view the live webinar.

Can’t make either of the live Webinars? No problem! You can watch all ECN webinars on the ECN YouTube Channel.


How PAGES defines ECRs

ECRs are defined as:

- Age: Usually under 35 years

- Career status: a. PhD Students, usually in the latter stages of their degree. b. Post-PhD, usually within five years of completing their degree.

- However our guidelines are flexible and the network is open to anyone who believes they could benefit from participation in this network.

Find out all about the ECN here.


The interactiveness of the PAGES ECN means any member can participate and work alongside the steering committee, and contribute to the organisation of webinars, workshops, as well as participate in outreach events such as the ECN blog and social media platforms. We also seek participation among active members who are interested in acting as regional ECN representatives to facilitate the global integration of early-career researchers into the wider scientific community.

To strengthen the position of early-career researchers within the PAGES community, members of the ECN steering committee will work with existing PAGES Working Groups to establish liaisons between the two groups.

Further information

Visit the PAGES ECN website, where you can also sign up to become an active member and subscribe to the mailing list to keep up to date with our activities.

Email the network: (pages[dot]ecn[at]gmail[dot]com) and/or follow us on Twitter (@PAGES_ECN) and Facebook (

Watch all webinars on our YouTube Channel.