The PAGES-supported International Association of Limnogeology (IAL) and International Paleolimnology Association (IPA) joint meeting "Lakes as Memories of the Landscape" will be held from 27 November to 1 December 2022 in Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina.
The dates for the IAL-IPA 2022 have been confirmed. The Joint Meeting will be held from 27 November - 1 December 2022.
BEC Bariloche Events and Congresses
España 415
San Carlos de Bariloche
Río Negro, Patagonia
The goal of the IAL-IPA 2022 joint meeting is to celebrate research on lakes from multiple perspectives with a focus on the sediment record as both an Earth System Archive and a social and cultural memory of the territory. This conference aims to bridge the gap across a broad range of disciplines that work within the overarching theme of Earth System and Climate-Environment-Cultural changes.
The conference includes four days of oral and poster presentations, social events, conference courses, field trips and beautiful landscapes.
The registration fee includes ice-breaker, mid- conference activities, coffee breaks, lunches and conference dinner.
Important dates
Access all important dates here:
17 June 2022: Early registration ends
18 June 2022: Late registration opens
17 June 2022 22 July 2022 09 September 2022: Deadline for abstract submissions
19 August 2022: Abstract acceptance
Scientific program
We will have four days of scientific program with three parallel sessions and four Plenary lectures. Regular sessions of the congress will cover all the aspects of lakes, from ecology to paleoecology from ancient to quaternary lakes, from an environmental-social perspective.
Invited plenary speakers include:
- Jose Esteban Castro (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Ana Abarzua (Valdivia, Chile)
- Daniel Ariztegui (Geneve, Switzerland)
- Beatriz Modenutti (Bariloche, Argentina)
Three virtual pre-Conference courses have been confirmed:
- Basic R for ecologists
- GIS for beginners
- Big Data (Neotoma)
See the website for further details:
PAGES-related sessions
i. Human Traces
Session FS29 - Human Traces in the aquatic sedimentary record
Émilie Saulnier-Talbot, Université Laval, Canada, (emilie[dot]saulnier-talbot[at]bio[dot]ulaval[dot]ca)
Members of the PAGES Human Traces Working Group
Human Traces is a PAGES (Past Global Changes) working group which aims to contextualize the Anthropocene Epoch in a long-term, global perspective by synthesizing records of human traces in geologic archives. The objective of this session is to present examples of how traces of human presence and activity manifest in aquatic sedimentary archives from different parts of the world, depending on regional aspects of natural and human-induced changes through time. We seek communications on any aspect of human traces in the sedimentary record of lakes, ponds, wetlands, and coasts. Data presented in this session will be considered for inclusion in the Human Traces database, a new resource that the working group is developing which aims to assemble information that will enable the establishment of temporal trends of human activity linked to environmental change across various spatial and temporal scales.
Pre IAL-IPA Early Career Virtual Meeting*
27-29 April 2022
Calling all Palaeolimnology and Limnogeology Early Career Researchers.
The organization committee wishes to create a virtual event especially for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) who can’t/ are unsure/are still planning on attending the in-person congress in Bariloche, Argentina, 2022, but would like the opportunity to present and network in a mud-loving ECR space.
ECRs are invited to register interest in attending a 3-day online ECR meeting. Each day will consist of 4-5 hours including one Keynote speaker, and Oral and Poster presentations by ECRs, with time at the end for people to stay and chat. The organizing committee will do its best to accommodate all time zones.
Each day will be based on one of the following themes:
1) Lakes and Climate Change
2) Lakes and Ecological Change
3) Pushing the boundaries – novel techniques and sites
Studies from other wetlands such as ponds, reservoirs etc. are welcome.
If you are interested in attending/presenting at this virtual event, please filling out this short pre-registration form*:
*Deadline for registration is January 9th 2022.
We will shortly send out more information in regards to the event and abstract submissions.
Financial support
A limited number of grants will be available to support undergraduate students, early career researchers and people from low-GDP per Capita countries, in registration and/or accommodation:
Main conference themes
- Shallow lakes and wetlands
- Tectonic and volcanic large lakes
- Quaternary Lakes: Paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental reconstructions
- Artificial lakes
- Present-day lacustrine systems
- Biogeochemical cycles
- Lakes and the Anthropocene
- Restoration and management of lacustrine ecosystems
- Petroleum source rocks and lacustrine sequences
- Bridging Paleolimnology, Archeology and Anthropology
- Paleoecology
- Paleohydrology
- Lakes in the geologic record
- Chronology of lake deposits
- Novel analytical techniques in lacustrine sediments
- Big Data, AI and the Lake Record
- Natural resources and ecosystem services from lakes
- Lake basins and sequence stratigraphy of lacustrine deposits
Call for sessions
IAL-IPA 2022 will host sessions proposed by the participants. Contributions are welcome on any aspect of lakes through time and space, starting in the Pre-Phanerozic and moving into the Quaternary and the Anthropocene.
We invite anyone interested in proposing a session to submit: A session title, Name(s), addresses and affiliations and chairperson(s), a 500 word abstract summarizing the objectives and potential impact of the proposed session.
Each session must have a minimum of five participants. The duration of each presentation will be 20 (15 + 5) minutes.
Sessions may have a keynote speaker whose presentation can extend up to 30 minutes. Session chairs can also determine a maximum duration if so desired.
Papers within each session will result from the general call for papers. The list of the accepted sessions will be published on the congress website and announced within the second circular. Please let the organizers know using the Call for Sessions Form available on the conference web site.
Call for sessions closes on 4 February 2022.
All details:
Courses and fieldtrips
Pre-Conference courses, mid-conference and post-conference field trips will be organized. A
complete list with detailed information on the fieldtrips will be provided in the 2nd circular on 15
March 2022.
Information will also be available here:
Registration fees
Undergraduate | Postgraduate | Professional | Accompanying person | |
Early registration (by 17 June 2022) | 100 USD | 200 USD | 350 USD | 100 USD |
Late registration (from 18 June 2022 until the conference) | 150 USD | 250 USD | 420 USD | 150 USD |
Argentinian participants are requested to please contact the organizing committee directly: (ialipa2022[at]gmail[dot]com)
Further information
> Download the third and final circular
> Download the second circular
> Download the first circular
Contact the Organizing Committee: (info[at]ial-ipa2022[dot]com)
Go to the official website: