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ECN webinar: rPlum: fechado con plomo para el usuario común

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The PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN) will hold a webinar in Spanish on 3 June 2020 at 15:00 UTC.


"rPlum: fechado con plomo para el usuario común" (rPlum: lead dating for the common user)

Access the webinar recording here.


The ECN's Central-South American Regional Representatives will host the webinar.

Dr Marco Aquino (postdoctoral researcher, Maynooth University) will talk about his new R package for age-depth modeling using 210Pb, followed by a Q&A session.

In addition, C-SA Regional Reps will present the PAGES ECN to the Latin American ECR community to initiate conversations with ECRs in the region.


The webinar will last about 1.5 hours and it will be in Spanish.

The presentation materials (slides and code) will be in English to ensure broader accessibility to the global ECR community.

How to join


No registration is needed.

Access the webinar recording here.

Further information

Can't make it for the live webinar or you cannot speak Spanish? The webinar will be available afterwards on the ECN YouTube channel and there are plans to add subtitles and have the webinar translated into English as well.

Access the webinar recording here.