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PALSEAExpress meeting

Online meeting
Workshop report
Contact person
Jeremy Shakun
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category

The PALeo-constraints on SEA-level rise (PALSEA) working group will hold the "PALSEAExpress" online meeting from 15-16 September 2020.


Following the many challenges posed by the current COVID-19 pandemic, the organizing committee has postponed the PALSEA-SERCE 2020 workshop to Northern Hemisphere autumn 2021. Find out more about the 2021 workshop here.

However, to continue fostering scientific exchanges in the sea-level and ice-sheet community, the organizers have also decided to run a virtual meeting, named PALSEAExpress, during the time the postponed workshop would have been held.


Each day will consist of three hours, divided between invited talks (20 minutes each, plus question time) and virtual poster presentations.


The speakers include:

- Evan Gowan (Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven): Evaluating ice sheet history for the past 80,000 years - are marine oxygen isotopes a reliable indicator of sea level?
- Christine Batchelor (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim): Northern Hemisphere ice sheets through the Quaternary
- Ben Horton (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore): The importance of the Holocene sea-level record
- Natalya Gomez (MGill University, Montreal): Interhemispheric Sea-Level Forcing of the Antarctic Ice Sheet During the Last Ice Age
- Julia Gottschalk (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades): Perturbations in bottom water formation in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean during the last peak interglacial period: implications for Antarctic ice sheet stability
- Rob DeConto (University of Massachusetts Amherst): Title TBA
- Eric Wolff (University of Cambridge) and the WACSWAIN project team: WAIS loss in the last interglacial: if and when? Latest update from the WACSWAIN project
- Blake Dyer (University of Victoria): Sea level trends across the Bahamas constrain peak Last Interglacial ice melt

Meeting times

15 September 11:00-14:00 UTC (please note one hour later than originally advertised)
Find meeting time in your timezone here.

16 September 16:00-19:00 UTC
Find meeting time in your timezone here.

Virtual poster abstract submission

During the two-day meeting, we will reserve time slots for virtual posters.

Abstract submission is now online and will close 15 August 2020.

You can submit your abstract through this Google doc form.

Please note: Each abstract will be reviewed by the organizing committee. As the virtual meeting time is limited, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate all abstracts. Priority will be given to early-career researchers and researchers from low GDP countries.


To participate without submitting an abstract, please register here by 11 September to receive the zoom link:

You don’t need to register if you're submitting an abstract.

Further information

Contact PALSEA Steering Committee member Jeremy Shakun.

Go the working group website: