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vPASES workshop: Past Socio-Environmental Systems

Online meeting
Workshop report
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A virtual workshop (vPASES2020) for early-career researchers will be held from 9-11 November 2020 in preparation for the in-person "Past Socio-Environmental Systems (PASES2022)" workshop in 2022.

Each day will consist of at least a two-hour session (longer on day three), from 11:00-13:00 UTC. Find your timezone here.

This workshop is organized by PAGES Early-Career Network and INQUA ECR.


This workshop will plant the seed for the postponed in-person PASES workshop in Chile. Both events are connected, and aimed at overcoming the lack of training and network opportunities due to COVID-19.

ECRs will have the opportunity to exchange knowledge and foster collaborations in the interdisciplinary topic of human-climate-environment interactions in the past.


There will be 14 oral presentations (10 mins) and two invited keynote speakers (30 mins).

Keynote talks by Cesar Mendez and Yoshi Maezumi will open the first two days, followed by 10-min talks by ECRs. The third day will consist of a roundtable discussion with invited senior researchers (panelists TBA) and breakout group activities.

9 November

11:00-11:10: Welcome and presentation

11:10-11:40: César Méndez, Center for Research of Patagonian Ecosystems (Chile)

Human paleoecology of the Northern Semiarid Region and the eastern flank the Andes of Central Patagonia the Pleistocene-Holocene transition

11:40-11:55: Coffee break / leg stretching

11:55-13:05: Oral presentations - Human paleoecology session

10 November

11:00-11:30: Yoshi Maezumi, University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

Exploring Amazonian Legacies: Integrating Paleoecological, Archaeological, and Paleoclimatological Archives

11:30-11:45: Coffee break / leg stretching

11:45-13:15: Oral presentations - Synthesizing paleorecords session

11 November

11:00-13:00: Open Table Discussion - Past Socio-Environmental Systems: ECRs ask, mentors respond

13:00-13:15: Coffee break / leg stretching

13:15-15:00: Breakout group activity - Pillars of collaboration

15:00-15:30: Final wrap-up. Each breakout group summarizes their main findings

Abstract submission - closed

Authors have been selected among the initial pool of ECRs who submitted an abstract for the in-person PASES workshop. Hence abstract submission for the virtual meeting is closed.


Anyone interested to participate can register for free, without submitting an abstract.

Registration closes 6 November 2020.

The registration form is at the bottom of this page:

Zoom link details will be emailed after registration.

Further information

After the workshop, online discussions will run until the in-person workshop takes place in 2021.

Access the PASES website:

Questions about the workshop can be emailed to: (workshop[dot]pages[dot]ecn[at]gmail[dot]com)