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ECN webinar series: Show-and-Tell - Nina Whitney

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The PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN) North American regional representatives have created a new "Show-and-Tell" webinar series. No registration is required to join.


This event series consists primarily of "science show-and-tell". Whether it is a tour of a laboratory setup, walkthrough of a favorite analysis/data/lab method, unboxing of freshly collected samples, or activities in the field, these virtual events are designed to give people a break from traditional zoom slide presentations and get to know the faces and places behind the screens.

Today's event

Monday 24 May at 18:00 UTC

This Show-and-Tell webinar, the second in the series, is with Dr. Nina Whitney. Nina will present her research setup at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, where she is preparing shell samples for climate research.

How to join


Meeting ID: 719 209 6372

The webinar is open to all and there's no need to register.

Take part in the program

Are you interested in contributing to this event series? If you are in the North American region and would like to present a "show-and-tell" or seminar of your own, please contact the North American RR team so we can host you.

Not in North America? If you would like to host similar events targeted for your region, the North American RR team would be happy to share advice!

Past Show-and-Tell series recordings

The first event, with Dr. Daniel Killam, was held on 22 February. Dan showed his work and "living lab space" at Biosphere 2, where he grows giant clams for biogeochemical research.

> Watch Dan's webinar on the ECN YouTube channel

Further information

Access all the previous ECN webinars on its YouTube channel.

General questions about ECN webinars can be sent to: (webinar[dot]pages[dot]ecn[at]gmail[dot]com)