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2nd NEPTUNE international workshop

Online meeting
Contact person
Gaia Mattei
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category

Future climate and environmental changes motivate the scientific community to study the past in order to find clues for the creation of future scenarios. However, accountable predictions for the future can be only established by close collaboration between data collectors (i.e. geoscientists and climatologists) and modellers. Effective communication among different disciplines is the key to reach this goal, which is often hampered by the different methodological approaches. 


The second NEPTUNE International Workshop aims to encourage these interdisciplinary collaborations between members of its scientific community involved in studies of marine-related and submerged paleo-landscapes, sea-level indicators, climate, ice-sheet and sea-level modelling, in order to facilitate communication and data dissemination among geoscientists. 

This interdisciplinary event wants to face the challenge of understanding the past coastal processes in order to reconstruct past seascapes and predict future environmental-change scenarios by integrating field-collected data and climatic models on regional or global scale. The workshop will be held online between 1 and 2 December 2021 with the aim of creating a discussion opportunity regarding a wide range of topics related to climate and coastal studies such as: 

  • Records of sea-level changes and paleo sea-level studies;    
  • From past to future coastal scenarios;    
  • Sea-level and coastal response to past and future climate changes;    
  • Recent climatic influence on coastal modification;    
  • Analyzing coastal landscapes from backshore to offshore;    
  • Adaptation of coastal communities to climate and sea-level changes;    
  • Technological advances in marine and coastal studies;    
  • Discrepancies between geological sea-level indicators and sea-level models;  
  • Use of remote sensing datasets for sea-level and ice-sheet modelling;    
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration in sea-level research.

Cost and Contact

In order to facilitate the participation of ECRs and researchers from low-income coun­tries, the workshop will be free of charge. It will be organized in two few-hour-long online sessions. To enable global participation, the workshop could be organized in two days according to the time zones of the participants. 

The Scientific Committee 

Gaia Mattei - Parthenope University of Naples, IT ( gaia[dot]mattei[at]uniparthenope[dot]it) 

Claudia Caporizzo - Parthenope University of Naples, IT: 

Ana Novak - University of Ljubljana, Geological Survey of Slovenia, SL : 

Livio Ronchi - University of Padova, IT : 

Martin Seeliger - Goethe University of Frankfurt, DE : seeliger@em. uni-Frankfurt. de 

Visit the website for more information or visit the NEPTUNE-Inqua Facebook page.