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Reconstrucción del paisaje del Lago de Chalco durante el Holoceno usando Metagenómica

Online meeting
Working groups

As part of the Central-South American Regional Representatives, a new webinar entitled "Landscape reconstruction of Lake Chalco during the Holocene using metagenomic analysis" (Reconstrucción del paisaje del Lago de Chalco durante el Holoceno usando Metagenómica), will be taking place.


Wednesday 8 September : 17:00 UTC 


Bárbara Moguel, from the Laboratorio Nacional de Investigación sobre el Genoma Humano (LIIGH), UNAM, campus Juriquilla/Querétaro, will tell us about the use of metagenomic analysis on paleoreconstructions and her experience on this novel field.

The webinar will last for about one hour and Bárbara will be presenting in Spanish. However, her slides will be in English to ensure a broader accessibility to the global ECR community.

To participate

We encourage everyone to participate and share the Zoom link invitation:

Can't make it or feel like not joining because of the language? No problem, the webinar will be later available on our YouTube channel.  In the future, we plan to add subtitles and get the webinar translated into English as well.