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Tephra Fusion 2022 - Virtual workshop series: Session 2

Online meeting

Best Practices in Tephra Collection, Analysis, and Reporting: Leading Toward Better Tephra Databases

Dates: 10, 18, 25 February and 3 March 2022
Format: Virtual workshop series, four 2-hour (max) sessions
Time: All workshops will be held 11:30 am-1:30 pm Eastern (GMT-5)

These workshops are open to members of the multidisciplinary tephra community wanting or needing to learn how to make their data open and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and learn about the broader landscape. Participants may attend any or all sessions as desired. Contact conveners if you have questions about session content.

Workshop goals

 - Reconnecting the community to progress made and what needs to come next

 - Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse (FAIR) of digital tephra assets

 - FAIR as an overarching goal: How to get there; a) Improve adoption - awareness, motivation, training; and b) Plan and develop next steps, including improved tools and systems.

Upcoming sessions

Session 2: Friday, 18 February 2022
Field Data Collection & Management Example - StraboSpot

  • Working with StraboSpot for Tephra: How to document samples and get your locations searchable (Doug Walker, U Kansas)
  • What is StraboSpot?
  • StraboSpot web and iOS app demo – the standard version
  • StraboSed app demo – another mode
  • StraboMicro and StraboTools quick introduction
  • StraboSpot tephra demo – Alaska Volcano Observatory output
  • Close: Community feedback on StraboSpot and digital field tools

Workshop materials will be available prior to workshop.

Session 3: Friday 25 February 2022
Digital Data Repository Examples - SESAR/EarthChem

  • How to make data FAIR—SESAR/EarthChem (Sarah Ramdeen, Product Manager, SESAR,
  • System for Earth Sample Registration; Lucia Profeta, Product Manager, EarthChem)
  • Brief introduction into the two systems and primary purpose
  • Review of tephra data submission templates
  • Walk through a submission from an existing data set
  • Answer questions about the SESAR/EarthChem services, how they fit into the broader workflow of the other tools and services highlighted in the workshop series, the templates, the submission process, etc.
  • Close: Community feedback on sample registration and geochemical data submission

Workshop materials will be available prior to workshop

Session 4: Thursday 3 March 2022
Future Roadmap for Open Tephra Data

  • Summary of workshop progress
  • Future best practice work
  • Future information systems
  • Development of action items and goals

Workshop materials will be available prior to workshop.

Further information

> Access to TephraFusion2022 first circular:

> Register for the workshops:

> Visit the website: