ECN webinars
PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN) members organize webinars targeted for early-career paleo researchers.
On this page you will find the links to each of the seminar series recordings.
Introductory videos
ECN promo video: Nick Schafstall - PhD student Czech University of Life Sciences (Czech Republic)
ECN Introduction Video: Xavier Benito - postdoc University of Nebraska-Lincoln (USA)
- Let’s Talk About Career Opportunities
- ECN Webinars
- ECN Webinars in Spanish
- East Africa Webinars
- North American Show and Tell
Let’s Talk About Career Opportunities
May 22, 2023; Let's Talk About Career Opportunities: Episode 1 Dulce Oliveira
Speakers: Dr. Dulce Oliveira and Dr. Lélia Matos (Marine Sciences Center, Portugal)
Language: English
ECN Webinars
November 23, 2022; PAGES ECN Webinar series - 14C Laboratories and what they can do for ECRs
Radiocarbon laboratories are often available to discuss methodologies and strategies with ECRs, although it can be difficult sometimes to make the first connection with such a lab. Irka Hajdas from ETH Zurich gives explanations and examples about these things, and many more. For more questions, you can reach her at hajdas(at) or on LinkedIn
April 20, 2022; PAGES ECN webinar "how to get involved in IODP/ICDP research"
On 13 April 2022, Angelo Camerlenghi and Thomas Wiersberg presented a webinar titled "How to get involved in IODP/ICDP research!". Angelo is the ESSAC (ECORD Science Support & Advisory Committee) co-chair and knows everything there is to know about the IODP and Thomas works at the ICDP Operational Support Group and tells you all the secrets you need to know about ICDP.
October 14, 2021; PAGES ECN webinar scicomm
On 3 September 2021, Erin Martin-Jones presented a webinar titled "Communicating your science!". Erin participated in various outreach events during her PhD on geochronology and its application on societal issues in Ethiopia. Currently, Erin is Communications Coordinator at the Sedgewick Museum and the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Cambridge. Erin shares new research from the Department of Earth Sciences in her online blog ( and is also active on Twitter. In this webinar, Erin provides us with a list of strategies on how to communicate your science to your peers, researchers from other fields and to the general public. One to watch!
June 02, 2021; PAGES ECN webinar - First steps in exploring data with R
In this webinar, Dr. Martin Schobben from Utrecht University, the Netherlands demonstrates his workflow and best practice for first data analyses and visualization in R. Dr. Martin Schobben is a paleobiologist. He combines palaeontological, sedimentological and geochemical methods with quantitative approaches. His research focuses on the evolution of life in conjunction with the Earth system throughout geological history, such as the great mass extinctions. He has a keen interest in all aspects related to data collecting, analyzing and visualizing, and he uses primarily R programming for all of this. R is an incredible flexible tool for data analyses and ensures reproducible science.
However, the syntax of R, and the overwhelming body of documentation, can also be a major hurdle before implementing R as the standard tool for your day-to-day work. The potential applications of R are very broad, an introductory class can thus also cover anything. Hence, this workshop is tailored to some of the specific needs of an Earth scientist dealing with stratigraphic observations, which e.g., include species count data or elemental sediment data sets. These data sets, that consist of values associated with one or more variables and an observation (depth, age, …) are very common in Earth sciences. Martin will show how to start your data exploration in a reproducible workflow! This includes the journey from managing, ingesting (from csv files, URL, …) and tidying your data to introducing some basic transformations (so-called “data wrangling”), visualization and modelling.
These routine aspects of data analysis cover about 80% of the skills required for a data science project1, while the other 20% remains the domain of the specialist—which would be you. This webinar is divided into several sections, so that Martin can show you how to use the introduced functions within a live R session, while you can practice what you have learned by typing along. To follow all the steps, make sure you have the latest R and RStudio versions as well as the tidyverse and devtools packages installed. And get the PAGES library by using: devtools::install_github("MartinSchobben/PAGES", build_vignettes = TRUE)
June 02, 2021; PAGES ECN webinar - Mentoring to stimulate international collaborations
Mentoring to stimulate international collaborations - why ECRs need international mentors and how supervisors can assist them This webinar is hosted by Prof. Lindsey Gillson, Dr. Estelle Razanatsoa and Cherie Dirk from the University of Cape Town, South Africa, who talk about their experiences and ways to cultivate international mentorships and collaborations.
November 16, 2020; PAGES ECN webinar - Getting your proposal funded: an ERC success story
In this webinar Prof. Dr. Alessio Rovere will talk about the ERC grant he obtained in 2019. Alessio Rovere studies past sea level and coastal changes during the Last Interglacial at MARUM in Bremen, Germany. This talk describes his career path prior to his ERC grant proposal in 2019, including previous attempts to obtain other research grants, and his experiences with writing the ERC grant proposal itself. Q&A starts at 1:04, with several engaging questions by the attendants.
October 22, 2020; PAGES ECN Webinar - On starting a managing a PAGES working group
Mike Evans, PAGES Scientific Steering Committee Co-Chair, explains to the next generation of paleoscientists the process of starting and managing a working group. Mike's talk is followed by a Q&A session. At the end, PAGES ECN Steering Committee Member Tamara Trofimova introduced the newly created Science Cluster which aims at fostering collaborations among ECRs by identifying common goals and associated products with wide usability for the paleoenvironmental science community. Email for inquiries of interest.
How to successfully to apply to academic jobs in Geosciences
Timothy Bralower, Penn State University, USA
October 04, 2019; PAGES ECN Webinar - Publishing a Scientific Paper
How to successfully publish a paper, hosted by Tierre Correge, editor of Palaeogeography, Paleaeoclimatolgy, Palaeoecology
February 09, 209; PAGES ECN Webinar - From idea to paper in the paleogeosciences: using RMarkdown
PAGES ECN Webinar on reproducible science by Dr. Simon Goring (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
October 12, 2018; PAGES ECN Webinar - How to review a paper effectively
Webinar on peer review by Dr. Graciela Gil-Romera (IPE-CSIC). October, 5 2018 (8.00 GMT)
March 29, 2018; PAGE ECN Webinar - Introduction to Early-Career Network of PAGES (PAGES-ECN)
Webinar presentation of the PAGES-ECN by committee members Alex Koch, Nick S , Manuel Chevalier, Nick Schafstall and Stella Alexandroff. 12 March 2018 17.00 CET (UTC+1)