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vISC- Virtual 6th International Sclerochronology Conference

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vISC Organizers
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Ahead of the 6th International Sclerochronology Conference in Tokyo (May 2023) and with support from conference organizers, several early-career sclerochronologists have banded together to organize an interim, virtual International Sclerochronology Conference (vISC) in September 2022 with a special focus on community networking and early-career research.

Sclerochronology is the study of physical and chemical variations in the accretionary hard tissues of organisms (e.g., shells, otoliths, corals, etc), and the temporal context in which they formed. We invite ALL current and aspiring sclerochronologists to participate!


The vISC will be held from 13-15 September 2022.

The program will include virtual presentations from early-career researchers (ECRs), keynote talks and panels from more senior scientists, and community discussions and networking for all. 

For all details, please visit the Virtual International Sclerochronology Conference website:

Important dates

Abstract deadline*: July 15
*Prior registration required. Presentations invited from early-career researchers only.

Registration deadline (for all attendees): August 15


Delay or cancellation of conferences and workshops over the past two years has disproportionately impacted the current generation of early-career researchers. These scientists, especially, have suffered from missed opportunities to share novel work, get to know the wider community face-to-face, and build foundations for networking to secure post-graduate jobs and launch new scientific collaborations. To help fill this gap, the vISC provides a timely outlet and also serves as an opportunity for community-wide discussions.

If you have questions, please drop us an email at