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Seminar Series on sea-level changes, GIA and ice sheets: Nicholas Golledge

Online meeting
Contact person
Natalya Gomez
E-Mail address
Working groups


As a group under the combined auspices of the WCRP, PAGES' PALSEA working group, SERCE and the IAG sub-commission 3.4, group leaders started a once-a-month virtual seminar series dealing with sea-level changes, GIA, and ice sheets in 2021.

This monthly seminar series is intended to engage a broad community in advance of future workshops organized by PALSEA-SERCE and the WCRP, and to stimulate discussion and ideas for collaboration and synthesis in this multidisciplinary community.

The webinar series will continue in the coming months leading up to the WCRP Sea Level Meeting ( and PALSEA workshop (, both in Singapore and online in July, 2022.

Next seminar

12 April at 20:00 UTC

13 March at 8:00 in N.Z. 

Nicholas Golledge on "Climate forced changes of the Antarctic Ice Sheet: Evidence, inference, and speculation".


Nicholas Golledge is a Professor of Glaciology in the Antarctic Research Centre of Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, and was a Lead Author for the cryosphere chapter of the 2021 IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. He has spent the last 25 or so years as both an observational and theoretical scientist studying how glaciers and ice sheets behave, and the forces that drive them to change. Over the last decade Prof. Golledge has worked primarily on understanding the Antarctic Ice Sheet using fieldwork and numerical models.

Register in advance for the webinar here:


Future seminars

May 10 - (time tbd) Terry Wilson and the Polenet-ANET team on the theme of seismic and geodetic networks in Antarctica


June 14  - (time tbd) Ivan Haigh “The impact of sea-level rise on storm surge barriers” and Sally Brown “title tbd”


Organizers are maintaining a mailing list, so to make sure you receive notifications and Zoom links about the future seminars and related events, subscribe by sending an e-mail (with a blank subject line) to containing the following text command: subscribe earth-ice-sea firstname lastname (Note that within ~1hr you should receive an email requesting you to confirm your subscription, which you can do by replying to the email with "OK").

Organizing committee

Organizers from WCRP Sea Level Grand Challenges, IAG Subcommission on Cryosphere Deformation, PALSEA and SCAR-INSTANT

Alessio Rovere, Alex Simms, Jacky Austermann, Jeff Freymueller, Jeremy Shakun, Mark Tamisiea, Natalya Gomez, Natasha Barlow, Tom James