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CLIVASH2k Ice Core Database

Version 1.0 under development.

> Access publication (TBD)
> Access data (TBD)

Citation details: TBD

Summary of Database

The CLIVASH2k project focusses on understanding large scale climate variability modes in the Antarctic, sub-Antarctic, and Southern Hemisphere region over the past two millennia. The core aim of this database is to compile all publicly available sodium (NA+) and sulphate (SO42-) ice core records from the Antarctic region over the Common Era (0-2000CE). This collection builds upon previous Antarctica 2K compilations of δ18Oice ( Stenni et al (2017)), and snow accumulation ( Thomas et al., 2017). The database will be used to identify the role of atmospheric circulations (winds), and sea ice extent on climate, and surface mass variability in the Antarctic region over decadal to centennial time-scales.

Summary of Metadata

Metadata will be included for each record, describing the data site, collection information, and analytical details. Metadata categories are shown in the table below.

Metadata category Description
General Key information about the study, including the Study Title (where, when, what
Site Information the Site Name, latitude coordinates of the area, and elevation
Data Collection Information Information specific to the dataset, including any core names, time ranges and resolution, as well as information about the core, such as core lengths, and accumulation rates and units
Analytical details descriptions of the analytical methods, instruments used, and when the analysis occurred
Species info list of species names
Funding Agency funding details including agency name and grants supporting the project
2k Specific fields any fields that are cross-queriable with other PAGES products, such as Region location fields, Data Contributor names, working group involvement etc.

How to Access Database

This database is currently in development, with a forecasted release in 2022. The data will primarily be stored on the UK Polar Data Centre data repository, with a possible secondary repository on The LiPDVerse.

Get Involved with the CLIVASH2K phase 4

The current round of data submission closed on the 15th of February 2021, however if you have data that may be of value, wish to Learn more about the CLIVASH2K project, or join the mailing list, see the CLIVASH2k contact page.