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Pacific Climate Workshop (Paclim) 2023

Pacific Grove, CA, United States
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Drought to Deluge: Challenges facing Climate Science and Policy in the West 



Date: 26 February - 1 March 2023

Location: Asilomar Hotel and Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CA, USA


PACLIM is a multidisciplinary workshop that broadly addresses the climatic phenomena occurring in the eastern Pacific Ocean and western North America. The purpose of the workshop is to understand climate effects in this region by bringing together specialists from diverse fields including physical, social, and biological sciences. 

Time scales from weather to the Quaternary are addressed in oral and poster presentations.   

We welcome oral and poster presentations on the years theme and as always welcome presentations (oral and poster) related to the general theme of climate and the Pacific.

Preliminary program

Sunday Evening 

Kelly Redmond Memorial Lecture: Daniel McEvoy, Desert Research Institute: TBD

Monday Daytime Keynotes and associated contributed talks

Focus on Drought

Keynote: Stephanie McAfee, University of Nevada, Reno: "Perspectives on drought -- from paleo to present"

Focus on Water

Keynote: Xingying Huang, NCAR: "Changes in extreme storms, flood risk, and challenging hydroclimate impacts over the Western US". 

Focus on Policy and Communications

Keynote: Faith Kearns, California Institute for Water Resources: "Getting to the Heart of Drought and Climate Communication".

Monday Evening Speaker

Frank K. Lake, Research Ecologist/PSW Tribal Liaison, Forest Service: "Indigenous Knowledge, Climate Adaptation, and Partnership Opportunities For Managing Western Forests"

Tuesday Evening Speaker

Allen Fish, Director, Golden Gate Raptor Observatory, Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy: "Shifting Phenologies, Shrinking Birds, and Migratory Shortstopping – Forty Years at the Intersection of Climate Change and Raptor Migration" 


Contributed talks related to the conference theme will be placed in focused sessions on Monday with the keynotes.

We encourage all PACLIM related talks which will be placed in the Tuesday and Wednesday morning sessions.

Poster presentations will remain up through the entire conference and evening social sessions will be held in the poster venue. (Sunday evening through Wednesday morning).


Submission deadline is 31 January 2023.

Abstract submission is a two stage process:

1. Please complete the abstract registration form.  

        a. Please note the abstract registration form requires your abstract title.

2. Format your abstract as per the guidelines below and then email your abstract  to

For more information on naming and formatting guidelines, visit the website:


Early Bird: $150 until December 31st 2022

Regular: $175 between January 1st and February 17th 2023

Late: $200 February 18th-March 1st 2023

Single day: $75 (contact organizers for a promo code)

> Go to registration 

Student and early career support

PACLIM 2023 has received funding from the USGS to support student and early career scientists. 

We hope to be able to provide at least partial accommodation support for  all eligible applicants.

Deadline to request support is 15 December 2022.

Visit the website to request support here.

Further information

For more information, visit the event website:

For Questions contact Scott Mensing: (smensing[at]unr[dot]edu)