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World Biodiversity Forum 2024

Davos, Switzerland
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From Science to Action


Date: 17-20 June 2024

Location: Davos, Switzerland

Venue: Congress Centre Davos, Switzerland


The third World Biodiversity Forum  brings together researchers across all disciplines of biodiversity science with practitioners and societal actors to explore how to move from science to actions and solutions to conserve biodiversity and set us on a path towards transformation for sustainability.

The WBF will be preceded by a day of workshops, training sessions and networking meetings on 16 June 2024 and followed by excursions in the beautiful surroundings of Davos and its mountains on Friday, 21 June 2024. 


> For a full list of sessions visit the website:

> Download the pdf of all sessions

Special session on paleontology

For the first time, the WBF will be hosting a special session on paleontology

Special session: BEF_1.5 Insights from the past for a better future

Species are going extinct at an accelerated rate. Despite some success stories, current conservation efforts have not been sufficient to halt extinctions, with more species threatened every year. However, these extinctions do not occur randomly in the tree of life, with some species being more vulnerable than others. What determines this extinction selectivity can provide key clues to target conservation actions. Given that 99% of species that have ever lived are already extinct, the fossil record can offer unique insights to better understand extinction mechanisms. For example, the study of past extinctions can provide clues on the intrinsic traits of species that make some species more prone to extinction than others, and on the long-term responses of species to environmental perturbations. This session focuses on the use of the fossil record to better understand extinction mechanisms and its potential applicability to inform conservation today. We welcome contributions from early career researchers and hope to assemble a diverse group of presenters. We encourage both near-time and deep-time perspectives on ecological and evolutionary processes during periods of environmental change (natural and anthropogenic) from disciplines such as paleoecology, paleontology, and historical ecology.


Catalina Pimiento, University of Zurich, Karl-Schmid-Strasse 4 8001 Zurich, (catalina[dot]pimientohernandez[at]pim[dot]uzh[dot]ch   )

Gregor Mathes, University of Zurich, (gregor[dot]mathes[at]pim[dot]uzh[dot]ch)  

Kristina Kocakova, University of Zurich, (kristina[dot]kocakova[at]pim[dot]uzh[dot]ch)  

Jack Cooper, Swansea University, (jackacooper33[at]gmail[dot]com) 

Dates and deadlines

3 May 2023: Call for session submissions opens

2 July 2023: Deadline session submissions

4 September 2023: Call for abstract submissions opens

19 November 2023: Deadline abstract submissions

early December 2023: Early bird registration opens

December 2023 – January 2024: Abstract review

early February 2024: Acceptance notifications

28 February 2024: Presenter registration deadline

16 June 2024: WBF 2024 Workshops, trainings etc.

17 – 20 June 2024: WBF 2024 Parallel sessions, plenaries, workshops

21 June 2024: WBF 2024 Excursions

More information

For all details, visit the website: