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Reunión Anual del Programa Hidroclimático Regional para los Andes

Lima, LMA, Peru
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Reunión Anual del Programa Hidroclimático Regional para los Andes
(Annual Meeting of the Regional Hydroclimatic Program for the Andes)


Date: 26 May - 1 June 
Location: Lima, Peru
Venue: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; Auditorio IRD; Huaraz: Instituto Nacional de Glaciares y Ecosistemas de Montaña (INAIGEM)


"ANDEX is the Regional Hydroclimatic Programme for the Andes under the Hydroclimatology Panel of the Global Energy and Water Exchanges Programme (GEWEX), one of the core projects of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). It was created in 2018 with the overall objective of improving the understanding and prediction of the climate and hydrology of the Andes mountain range, with the participation of actors from the seven Andean countries: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. ANDEX's vision is to become a regional hydroclimatic programme of reference constituted by a consolidated and articulated scientific community that responds to the needs of society and contributes to planning and decision-making for the sustainable development of the Andean countries. Water security for Andean populations and high impact hydroclimatic events are its two main themes of research, production and dissemination of knowledge and information.

The ANDEX Annual Meeting will take place in Peru between 26 May and 01 June 2024 and will bring together the members of the Scientific Committee, as well as project leaders and collaborators. Its general objectives include addressing progress on the ANDEX Scientific and Implementation Plan to 2033, and deepening the process of consolidating its scientific-academic network and linking with strategic actors. Likewise, the 45th Meeting of the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee will be held in Lima from 27 to 31 May, which is a unique opportunity for joint work and intra- and inter-institutional coordination. Both meetings will be organised locally by IRD-Peru, the Peruvian Geophysical Institute (IGP) and Cayetano Heredia University (UPCH)."

> Access the circular (in Spanish) 

The above text was translated from the original in Spanish with (free version).

Further information 

Please contact the organizers via email: (contacto[at]andex-rhp[dot]org )