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PAGES Newsletter June 2024

In the June newsletter, readers can find reminders about a number of PAGES-related upcoming deadlines. In addition, working groups share upcoming webinar dates, papers and available recordings.

  1. PAGES Mobility Fellowships
  2. Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) 2025
  3. Open Science Meeting (OSM) 2025
  4. Next deadline for PAGES support
  5. PAGES Horizons
  6. Working group news
  7. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)
  8. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news
  9. Future Earth
  10. Other news and opportunities

1. PAGES Mobility Fellowships

The deadline for both the Inter-Africa Mobility Research Fellowship Program for African early-career researchers (ECRs) and the International Mobility Research Fellowship Program for Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) ECRs is on 15 August. These mobility fellowships aim to contribute to the development of collaborative research and the promotion of paleoscience networks in the African and LAC regions. Please share this call with your networks far and wide! > More information   

2. Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) 2025

The PAGES 5th Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) will be taking place from 19–20 May 2025 in Shanghai, China. Applications will open on 1 August 2024, and the deadline to apply will be 1 December 2024. Applicants will be requested to apply via an application form. Details will be announced shortly. > More information on application and eligibility 

3. Open Science Meeting (OSM) 2025

The 7th PAGES Open Science Meeting (OSM) will be taking place directly after the YSM, from 21–24 May 2025 in Shanghai, China. Abstract submissions and registration will open on 1 August 2024. The deadline for abstract submissions will be on 1 December 2024. More information about the OSM is available on the website. > Visit the website 

4. Next deadline for PAGES support

The next deadline to apply for workshop/meeting support and/or a new working group will be on 11 September. At the PAGES annual Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) meeting which took place in Morocco at the beginning of May, it was discussed that the SSC would welcome, as a new exploratory avenue, working group proposals of a more technological nature, e.g. artificial intelligence, novel imaging techniques, etc. > Details 

5. Past Global Changes Horizons

a. PAGES Horizons magazine is a popular science magazine aimed primarily at the younger generation, budding scientists, and all those enthusiasts both young and old who are interested in, or want to learn more about, the science of the past. The third issue will be published in early July 2024 with the central theme on how studying past extreme wet and dry phases aids our understanding, and informs future action, on floods and droughts under the current global change. > Access past Horizons issues   
b. For a fourth issue of Horizons magazine (to be published in 2026), PAGES requests a full proposal, including a magazine topic, confirmed editorial team, and list of authors. If you are interested on taking the fourth issue head on, and would like more information, please feel free to contact Iván Hernández-Almeida, PAGES Science Officer, via email:

6. Working group news

i. Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS)

a. The fourth CVAS webinar will be taking place on 13 June at 13:00 UTC (15:00 CET). This webinar will feature Alexander Robinson on “Simulating Heinrich events using an ice sheet model” and Matteo Willeit on “Simulating Dansgaard-Oeschger events using a climate model”. > Calendar  
b. The recordings of past CVAS webinars are available to watch. To view the recordings follow the instructions at the bottom of the calendar entry. > Watch the recordings   

ii. Integrating diverse knowledge systems for environmental policy (DiverseK)

a. After a number of frustrating postponements, the final dates have been announced for the second phase of the DiverseK workshop on “Synergy between palaeo-scientists and stakeholders for biodiversity conservation in Madagascar and its surrounding islands”. This second phase will take place in-person in Antananarivo, Madagascar, from 24–26 September 2024. > Calendar  
b. The DiverseK workshop on "Data-Driven Decisions - enhancing mountain ecosystem management through the integration of long-term data" which will take place in Innsbruck, Austria, has changed dates. The workshop will now be taking place from 3–4 October. "This workshop aims at providing a process-based understanding of mountain landscape development over time (past, present, and future). The workshop will focus on the long-term impact of climatic factors and socioeconomic drivers on environmental indicators of biodiversity and ecosystem services." > Calendar   

iii. Floods Working Group  

At the European Geoscience Union General Assembly in Vienna on 17 April 2024 the Floods working group organized a Kick-off Meeting 2024–2026. The presentation  and minutes of the meeting can be downloaded from the website. > Floods website

iv. Human Traces 

a. The next Human Traces webinar will be taking place on 28 June with Dr. William Rapuc (post-doctoral fellow at the University of Durham (UK) and EDYTEM laboratory (France)) on “Unravelling the effects of climate and human activity on soil evolution during the Holocene thanks to lake sediments”. > Calendar  
b. The recording of the webinar which took place on 23 May with Paula Echevarria Galindo (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany) and Cecilia Rayo (IIMyC, Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata-CONICET, Argentina) on “Visualizing Human Traces in Latin American Paleolimnological Archives” is available to watch on the Human Traces YouTube channel. > Watch recording 
c. The group will be editing a special issue of the PAGES Magazine in Spring 2025 on the topic of: “Early human traces: Landscape openness proxies across space and time.” If you’re working on a non-conventional proxy, archive or location recording anthropogenic landscape opening, and are interested in contributing an article, please get in touch with

v. Pliocene and Miocene climate variability over glacial-interglacial timescales (PlioMioVAR)

Burton LE et al. have published a new paper in Climate of the Past on “The role of atmospheric CO2 in controlling sea surface temperature change during the Pliocene”. > Access article 

vi. Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and AnaLysis (SISAL)

Congratulations to the SISAL working group members on a successful application for a third phase. In SISAL Phase III, the group aims to use three approaches to enhance the power of data-model comparison techniques: 1) Provide climate interpretations of speleothem data covering the Common Era in collaboration with the PAGES 2k Network’s Hydro2k project; 2) Use the SISAL cave monitoring and speleothem databases to evaluate and update Proxy System Models (PSMs) in collaboration with the PAGES 2k Network and CVAS working groups and; 3) Use geostatistical techniques to provide isoscapes covering critical time slices and regions. > Visit the SISAL webpage 

7. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN

The ECN newsletter aims to highlight news especially relevant to ECRs. If you find other announcements that you believe should be shared with the ECN, please email the Steering Committee ( (pages[dot]ecn[at]gmail[dot]com)) for inclusion in the monthly newsletter mailing list.

i. The PAGES-ECN webinar which took place on 25 April on careers outside of academia for palaeoscientists organised by the PAGES-ECN European Regional representatives, is now available to watch on the ECN YouTube channel. > Watch   

ii. The interactive panel discussion between PAGES early-career network, and the editorial team of PLOS Climate magazine is available to watch on YouTube. This talk looked at the challenges of the peer review process, focusing on the experiences from early-careers who are dealing with the exciting (but sometimes frustrating) process of publishing their first manuscripts. This online event aims to provide advice that can help ECRs “navigate” the sea of publications and create an interactive platform for sharing experiences. > Watch  

8. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news
PAGES is pleased to have an association with the following groups and has provided either financial support or endorsement for the workshops and conferences.

> Find out more about PAGES' endorsed and affiliated groups
> Apply for workshop or conference endorsement
> See PAGES former working groups

i. Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP

In an email sent to all PMIP Quaternary Interglacial enthusiasts, the WG have announced their intention to host a 2–3 day community workshop towards the end of 2024/ beginning of 2025 in Bremerhaven, Germany. The aim of this workshop is to "bring together people from the various scientific fields, discuss the status of PMIP and shape plans". Those interested are requested to please respond to a survey to express interest in attending the meeting and finding suitable dates. > Read the full email and access the survey 

9. Future Earth 

i. Read the April newsletter 

ii. Funding Opportunities with upcoming deadlines 
Inclusivity and Diversity Participation (ongoing deadline). This funding opportunity encourages members of the Future Earth networks to submit applications for support of travel, registration, and/or participation expenses. 

10. Other news & opportunities

i. Mountain Research Initiative 
> Read the newsletter: May 2024

ii. 2025 Glacial Isostatic Adjustment workshop: Advancing Models and Observational Constraints

Organizers have announced that the “2025 Glacial Isostatic Adjustment workshop: Advancing Models and Observational Constraints” will be taking place from 2–6 June 2025 in Sidney, British Columbia, Canada. Further details are available on the website here

iii. Submissions to a Special Issue on marine sedaDNA in the journal Marine Micropaleontology

Guest editors Dr. Linda Armbrecht, Dr. Heike Zimmermann, Dr. Stijn De Schepper and Dr. Xavier Crosta from the Special Issue on marine sedaDNA in Marine Micropaleontology would like to inform the community that submissions are open until 31 December 2024. "The Virtual Special Issue (VSI) format allows fast publication of the manuscripts in regular journal issues, and manuscripts are subsequently gathered in the VSI per se, which increases their visibility internationally significantly." For details on this Special Issue, visit the website here

iv. Workshop: "Tephra: Chronology, Stratigraphy, Hazards, & Climate"

The 2024 workshop on "Tephra: Chronology, Stratigraphy, Hazards, & Climate” will be taking place in Sicily, Italy, from 8–16 September. The workshop is jointly organized by The International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth Interior (IAVCEI) Commission of Tephrochronology (COT), Tephra Hazard Modelling (THM), and the INTegration of Ice-core, MArine, and TErrestrial palaeoclimate records (INTIMATE) network of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA). It will feature research presentations, field trips and lots of networking opportunities. The deadline for abstract and ECR funding support is 17 June. > Calendar  

v. 22nd Swiss Geoscience Meeting 

The Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2024 will be held at the University of Basel, Switzerland, from 8–9 November. In the afternoon on 8 November, a series of four Invited keynote lectures will be held on this year’s Plenary Session topic: “The Anthropocene - Past, Present and Future”. On 9 November, 24 scientific symposia will cover the diverse spectrum of current research in geosciences, encompassing the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the cryosphere, the biosphere, the atmosphere and the anthroposphere. In the morning, a workshop on «Decolonizing Geosciences» will be organised by GEODES. Deadline for abstract submissions is 30 August. > Calendar  

PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office
University of Bern, Main Building
Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland
Tel: +41 31 684 56 10 (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)  |
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