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GloSS people

The GloSS mailing list is still active here.

Questions can be sent to a member of the Steering Group below.

Steering Group

Thomas Hoffmann

Dan Penny

Veerle Vanacker

Gary Stinchcomb

Lu Xixi, National University of Singapore

Key collaborators

Hans Middelkoop

Bob Wasson, National University of Singapore

Gilles Erkens

Andreas Lang

Gert Verstraeten

Timothy Beach

Patrick Belmont, Utah State University (USA)

Kirstie Fryirs, Macquarie University Sydney (AUS)

Peter Gell

Valentin Golosov, Moscow State University (RU)

Ricardo Grau, National University, Tucuman (AR)

Mio Kasai, Hokkaido University (JP)

Edgardo M. Latrubesse, University of Texas at Austin (USA)

Christian Little, Universidad Austral, Valdivia (CL)

Marcelo Nosseto, National University of San Luis (AR)

Rajiv Sinha, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

James Syvitski

Nicki Whitehouse