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Climate Change: The Karst Record VII (KR7)

Melbourne, VIC, Australia
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

This international conference will showcase the latest research from specialists investigating past climate records from speleothems and cave sediments.

Schedule and costs

All costs quoted in AUD unless otherwise stated.

- Ice-breaker party (free) and registration Sunday (Sept 28th) 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.

- The scientific program will run all day Monday (Sept 29th) and Tuesday (Sept 30th), and Thursday morning (Oct 2nd) and is included in the registration cost of $250 for students and $450 for everyone else. This includes lunches, morning and afternoon teas, and evening poster session drinks and appetizers.

- The optional pre-conference field trip (SE Australian karst and speleothem research) runs 22-28 September and will cost ~$600 (all inclusive apart from a few meals) – minimum 10 persons, maximum 20 persons;

- The optional mid-Conference field trip (along the Great Ocean Road) will run all day Wednesday (Oct 1st) and will cost $55 (lunch included).

- The optional conference workshops will run Thursday (Oct 2nd) afternoon ($20 per person)

- The optional conference dinner will take place on the evening of the Thursday (Oct 2nd) and will cost $100 (3-course meal, drinks included)

- A combined KR7-Selwyn Symposium will run on the Friday (Oct 3rd) and is free for all KR7 participants. It will include a dedicated speleothem session focusing on the Nullarbor Plain of southern Australia. There will be a Selwyn Dinner that night, organised by the Victorian Division of the Geological Society of Victoria (no costs on this yet but likely to be around $50-70 per person).

- The optional post-conference trip to New Zealand is scheduled to run 4th to 10th October and will cost approximately NZ$700 EXCLUDING airfares from Melbourne. This trip will start in Christchurch and finishes in Auckland.


The abstract template should be used when submitting an abstract, and is available from the abstract link on the KR7 website. Abstracts should be sent as Word documents to (abstracts[at]kr7[dot]org) by Saturday 31st May 2014.

Further information

If you require specific information about the conference please email (info[at]kr7[dot]org)