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Age Models, Chronologies, and Databases

Belfast, Ireland
Workshop report
Contact person
Eric Grimm
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

This workshop aims to develop strategies for updating chronologies in a semi-automated manner for paleo databases given new criteria, for example a new radiocarbon calibration curve or revised ages for stratigraphic/biostratigraphic markers (e.g. tephras).

The first overarching theme of this workshop is to establish methods for supervised automation for regenerating chronologies based on radiocarbon ages whenever the radiocarbon calibration curve changes or whenever ages for stratigraphic markers (e.g. tephras) are revised. Specific objectives for radiocarbon-based age models are: (1) establish a small number of algorithms that will accommodate all or most situations: (2) determine what age-model parameters must be stored to regenerate chronologies: and (3) develop a software strategy for regenerating chronologies from stored chronological data and age-model metadata.

A second theme of the workshop will address chronologies for datasets older than the radiocarbon timescale. Specific objectives are: (1) determine the necessary metadata for reconstructing reliable pre-radiocarbon age models, (2) develop or initiate a priority ranking scheme for various age determinations, and (3) initiate the development of an algorithm for quantifying the error estimates of such ages determinations.

The workshop will also include a 1-day software training session including: (1) an introduction to the age modeling programs CLAM and BACON: (2) an introduction to the Neotoma API: (3) use of the âRNeotomaâ package, and (4) importing CLAM/BACON results into Tilia.

More information

For more information and to register and apply for support click here. The deadline for application support is September 30, 2013.


Eric Grimm

Illinois State Museum

Research and Collections Center, 1011 East Ash Street,

Springfield, IL 62703, USA

Email: (grimm[at]museum[dot]state[dot]il[dot]us)

Post-meeting material

Short version of the workshop report in PAGES Magazine (2014) vol. 22:2 (link)

Long version of the workshop report published in PAGES Magazine (2014) vol. 22, no. 2, including detailed recommendations (link)