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2nd Global Land Project Open Science Meeting

Berlin, Germany
Contact person
Camille Nolasco - Project Officer
Meeting Category

Land Transformations: Between Global Challenges and Local Realities

The 2014 Global Land Project Open Science Meeting will synthesize and discuss the role of the land system as a platform for human-environment interactions, connecting local land use decisions to global impacts and responses.

The Open Science Meeting program will be a combination of plenary sessions involving international figureheads and experts in the field, followed by parallel sessions covering a wide range of topics within the broad themes of the conference. In addition, poster sessions will take place during lunchtimes and early evenings.

Main conference themes

- Rethinking land change transitions: drastic changes in land cover and subtle changes in land management
- Local land users in a tele-connected world: the role of human decision making on land use as both a driver and response to global environmental change
- Impacts and responses: land systems changes to mitigate global environmental change impacts and adapt to increasing demands for food, fuel and ecosystem services
- Land governance: the ways in which alternative approaches to governance of land resources can enhance the sustainability transition

The list of sessions is available on: