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2013 Gordon Research Conference on Chemical Oceanography, Chemical Geography of the Sea

BIddeford, MA, United States
Meeting Category

Applications for this meeting must be submitted by July 7, 2013.

Announcing the 2013 Gordon Research Conference on: Chemical OceanographyChemical Geography of the Sea August 4-9, 2013University of New England Biddeford, ME, United States Chair: James W. Moffett

Recent global-scale survey programs CLIVAR and GEOTRACES are yielding unprecedented new information about the distribution of the chemical constituents of seawater, on spatial and temporal scales. The development of these programs is closely related to an intense effort within chemical oceanography to develop protocols for sampling and analysis used by investigators worldwide, and the development of reference standards. As a result, participation in survey programs is now a truly international effort. Many smaller research programs have benefited from the advances in sampling and analysis associated with the larger programs, and high-resolution sampling coupled with process studies is increasingly commonplace. Observations from sectional surveys have revealed the importance of new processes, stimulating hypotheses about mechanism that can be evaluated in process studies. Sectional survey programs have also increased the interactions between the observation and modeling communities, with modelers playing an active role in the design and execution of many programs.

This conference seeks to synthesize the advances in chemical oceanography associated with high resolution measurements within major programs and smaller regional studies. Speakers participating in these programs as well as scientists not directly involved but with unique insight into their value, will be invited. Speakers from disciplines within chemical oceanography that are not currently involved in such programs but might become so in the near future will also participate. The conference will also be an opportunity for junior scientists involved in these programs to interact with their colleagues, and for junior scientists not involved to explore ways that they may become involved.