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Integrated Southern Ocean Latitudinal Transects (ISOLAT) to Investigate Southern Ocean Palaeoclimate and Past Antarctic Circumpolar Current Variabilit

Cambridge, United Kingdom
Contact person
Ian Hall, Deputy Head of School & Director of Postgrad Research,
E-Mail address
+44 (0)29 2087 5612 (office)
Meeting Category


This three day ISOLAT (Integrated Southern Ocean Latitudinal Transects) workshop will bring together members of the palaeo-data and climate modelling communities to define scientific questions and targets for long coring to investigate sub-centennial to millennial variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC).

The aim is to assess the Southern Oceanâs role in rapid climate change and global biogeochemical cycles. The workshop is also primarily intended to provide a planning opportunity that will lead to the development and submission of integrated proposal(s) for the acquisition of long (30-50m) sediment cores along latitudinal transects crossing the Southern Ocean frontal systems and the ACC. The primary goal of long coring in this region aims at resolving past variability of the ACC on suborbital timescales and its involvement with rapid global ocean variability and climate instability.

This workshop, jointly funded by MagellanPlus and the International Marine Past Global Changes II (IMAGES II) program, is intended to take advantage of new changes that will allow ECORD to support long coring as a mission-specific option within the framework of the new International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP). The ISOLAT workshop will be hosted by the University of Cambridge, (Magdalene College, and is an outgrowth of earlier discussion and preliminary planning originating from within the IMAGES Southern Ocean Working Group.

This workshop will bring together researchers with a range of regional and palaeoceanographic/palaeoclimatic expertise to further develop the major scientific questions that drive interest in the Southern Ocean, and to propose and evaluate target sites in the circum-Antarctic region where these questions can best be answered.

Conveners: Ian Hall, Luke Skinner


The workshop is open for all scientists with an active interest in the Southern Ocean. The number of participants is limited to ~35 persons including early-career researchers and senior graduate students. The size of the workshop is restricted to ensure adequate time for debate and discussion, data sharing and active planning.

Participation in the workshop is free of charge and full/partial reimbursement for travel costs is available.

To apply, please send a brief statement of interest, including anticipated contribution to the workshop (500 words max.) and a short CV by May 24, 2013.

Applicants should direct their enquiries and applications to Ian Hall: (Hall[at]cardiff[dot]ac[dot]uk).

Organizing Committee

Ian R. Hall, Cardiff University (Local Co-Chair)Luke Skinner, University of Cambridge (Local Co-Chair)Larry C. Peterson, University of Miami, Rainer Zahn, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Markus Kienast, Dalhousie University, Xavier Crosta, UMR-CNRS, Université Bordeaux I, Ralph R. Schneider, Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel, David Hodell, University of Cambridge

Workshop Sponsors

ECORD MagellanPlus Workshop SeriesInternational Marine Past Global Change Study II (IMAGES II)