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Third International Workshop on Climate Informatics

Boulder, CO, United States
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Meeting Category

First Call for Poster Abstract Submission

Deadline: 8th July

The amount of observational and model-simulated data within the climate sciences has grown at an accelerating rate since the early 1980s. The increasing amount of available data creates many opportunities for researchers in machine learning and statistics to partner with climate scientists in the development of new methods for interdisciplinary knowledge discovery.

Climate informatics broadly refers to any research combining climate science with approaches from statistics, machine learning and data mining. The Climate Informatics workshop series, now in its third year, seeks to bring together researchers from all of these areas. We aim to stimulate the discussion of new ideas, foster new collaborations, grow the climate informatics community, and thus accelerate discovery across disciplinary boundaries.

The format of the workshop seeks to overcome cross-disciplinary language barriers and to emphasize communication between participants by featuring tutorials, invited talks, panel discussions, posters and break-out sessions. We invite all researchers interested in learning about critical issues and opportunities in the field of climate informatics to join us, whether established in the field or just starting out.

Hosted by the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado

Poster Abstracts

We encourage submissions on topics anywhere at the interface of climate science and machine learning, statistics, data mining, or related fields. Reviews, position papers, and works in progress, are also encouraged. The workshop does not have archival proceedings, therefore previously published work, or work in parallel submission, is also allowed. Topics include but are NOT limited to:

- Machine learning, statistics, or data mining, applied to climate science- Management and processing of large climate datasets. - Long and short-term climate prediction- Ensemble characterization of climate model projections. - Past paleo-climate reconstruction- Uncertainty quantification.- Spatio-temporal methods applied to climate data- Time series methods applied to climate data- Methods for modeling, detecting and predicting climate extremes- Climate change attribution- Dependence and causality among climate variables- Detection and characterization of climate teleconnections- Data assimilationClimate model parameterizations- Hybrid methods

Important dates

Monday, July 8, 2013: Poster abstracts due, Friday, August 2, 2013: Author notification, Friday, August 2, 2013: Travel fellowship notification, Friday, August 30, 2013: Revised abstracts due, Thursday-Friday, September 26-27, 2013: Workshop takes place at NCAR, in Boulder, CO

Submission information

Please submit a short (1-2 page) abstract, using the template and guidelines provided at:

Travel fellowships

This year we are very pleased to again be offering travel fellowships . Anyone who submits a poster abstract is eligible: fellowships will be awarded competitively upon review of the submitted abstracts. Preference will be given to students. Please indicate with your submission whether you wish to be considered for a travel fellowship.

For more information, to get involved, or to sign up to receive announcements, please contact us at: (climate[dot]informatics[dot]workshop[at]gmail[dot]com)

ORGANIZING COMMITTEEWorkshop Chairs - Imme Ebert-Uphoff, Colorado State University - Jason Smerdon, Columbia University

Steering Committee - Claire Monteleoni, George Washington University - Gavin Schmidt, NASA and Columbia University - Karsten Steinhaeuser, University of Minnesota

Local Chair - Doug Nychka, National Center for Atmospheric Research

Publicity Chairs - Amy McGovern, University of Oklahoma - Bo Li, Purdue University

Communications Chair - Emilie Dassie, Columbia University

PROGRAM COMMITTEE Program Chairs - Yan Liu, University of Southern California - Seth McGinnis, National Center for Atmospheric Research

Committee Members - Arindam Banerjee, University of Minnesota - Shyam Boriah, University of Minnesota - Barbara Brown, NCAR - Auroop Ganguly, Northeastern University - Sara Graves, University of Alabama at Huntsville - Hongfei Li, IBM Research - Femi Omitaomu, Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Rachel McCrary, NCAR - Tao Shi, Ohio State University - Susan Tolwinski-Ward, NCAR - John Williams, NCAR - May Yuan, University of Oklahoma

Administrative Support - Silvia Gentile, NCAR - Carolyn Mueller, NCAR

SPONSORS: - National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) - National Science Foundation (NSF) - CRAY, Inc. (The Supercomputer Company)