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AGU Fall Meeting 2013

San Francisco, CA, United States
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Working groups
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The AGU Fall Meeting is the largest worldwide conference in the geophysical sciences, attracting more than 24,000 Earth and space scientists, educators, students, and other leaders.

For 46 years, energized and passionate Earth and space scientists from around the world gather at the AGU Fall Meeting to connect with colleagues, broaden their knowledge base, and embrace the joy of science.

Each year, the Fall Meeting takes place in the North, South, and West buildings of the Moscone Center, at the intersection of Fourth and Howard Streets, San Francisco, CA 94103. The Moscone Center is accessible by BART and MUNI public transit lines, and also in walking distance of many hotels.

PAGES relevant sessions

As always, there will be many PAGES relevant sessions, particularly in the Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology group (PP): however this year, two specific sessions are supported by PAGES or have emerged from Working Group activities:

Climate of the Common Era (PP41B, PP442, PP51A) - This session aims to highlight recent work on all aspects of the climate of the last 2000 years (the Common Era), using new proxy records, data syntheses, reconstruction methodologies, process and forward proxy modeling, and paleoclimate model simulations. Contributions that combine several of the above areas are particularly welcome. This year, following AGU cross-cutting SWIRL themes, the session will focus on characterizing uncertainties in proxies, models and forcings, and how these uncertainties impact our knowledge of past climate behavior.

Environmental and climatic changes on a human time scale - Varves and other high-resolution sedimentary records with up to decadal resolution (PP11C, PP14A) - The relationships between climatic and environmental changes are of paramount importance in the context of potential future climate change and its impact on natural and human systems. Varved (i.e. annually laminated) and other high-resolution sedimentary records can provide robust paleoenvironmental reconstructions and can test model simulations. We look forward to receive contributions with data from high-resolution terrestrial and marine sedimentary realms of the entire Quaternary. We also welcome contributions about new methodologies applicable to the study of varves. This session will constitute a contribution to the PAGES Varve Working Group.

Deadline for abstracts: 6 August 2013