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High-Resolution Proxies of Paleoclimate Workshop

Madison, WI, United States
Contact person
John Valley
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

This is the first announcement for an NSF-­sponsored workshop to explore new developments of high-resolution in situ studies for proxies of paleoclimate.

SIMS and laser techniques provide a new level of climate resolution through analysis of isotope ratio and trace element compositions at micron-scale. In situ analysis permits correlation of imaging with geochemistry and selection of features that could not otherwise be interrogated. These recent advances yield improved temporal resolution and promise an important new level of understanding for many paleoclimate proxies.

The workshop will be conducted in parallel with tutorial demonstrations of the IMS-1280 Ion Microprobe in the WiscSIMS Lab. The goals of the meeting are to acquaint participants with SIMS techniques, and explore new capabilities and new applications of in situ analysis to paleoclimate. Attendance will be limited to 70.

NSF support is available to cover registration, hotel and meals.


Sunday, 23 June

6 PM - Welcoming reception in Weeks Hall Courtyard & WiscSIMS Lab Open House

Monday, 24 June to Wednesday, 26 June

Meetings will include:

1) Presentations by WiscSIMS personnel on overview of SIMS principles and operation, sample preparation, and examples of in situ stable isotope analysis in proxy climate records, including speleothems, foraminifera, mollusks, coral, otoliths, and teeth.2) Keynote lectures, talks and posters are invited that explore high-resolution studies of paleoclimate proxies and potential new applications. Registration will be limited to 75 participants.

Thursday, 27 June

Hands-on sessions will be arranged on the IMS-1280 for a selected number (~10) of guests late Wednesday and Thursday (26-27 June) after the Workshop. Guests can bring a sample for analysis (must be prepared and approved in advance). One sample will be selected for analysis during the meeting and can be viewed live by all 75 attendees in the conference room, which is adjacent to the WiscSIMS Lab.


Please send expressions of interest to (John Valley).