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SOLAS Summer School

Xiamen Shi, FJ, China
Contact person
Véronique Garcon
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

Registration deadline: 1 February 2013

The SOLAS Summer School is a biennial, international event that brings together over 70 students and 15 world-leading international scientists, in a variety of fields, for a combination of lectures and practical workshops. It aims to teach the skills and knowledge of the many disciplines needed to understand the nature of ocean-atmosphere interactions. It allows doctoral students and early-career researchers to see how their work fits into the broad canvas of SOLAS, and global change research more generally.

If you are interested in attending, its easy: APPLY NOW! Info is available on our website and also on Facebook.

STEP 1: submit your application. It does not matter if you have already funding to attend or if you do not.

STEP 2: be selected - so send us a brilliant application.

STEP 3: get funding. The school organizers have already secured funding to help selected participants attend, and is working on developing more... Chances are high to get financial support, no matter what country you are from!

Were looking forward to receiving your application,

The Summer School organizers