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Holocene Climate Change

London, United Kingdom
Meeting Category

This meeting will examine high frequency climate changes reflected in the geological record, and the pacings of change and their geological consequences, during the Holocene â the past 11,700 years. Despite the general stability of the Holocene climate, there have been distinct cool/dry events, for example at 8200, 6600, 5600, 4100 and 2700 years ago and in the Little Ice Age between roughly 1400 and 1850, and warm/wet periods like the Holocene climatic optimum, the Roman Warm Period and the Medieval Warm Period. To what extent were these events global rather than regional? What drove them? What produces roughly periodic changes at intervals of about 1500 years seen in marine records and speleothems? Resolving these kinds of questions will aid understanding the modern climate and the warming that has taken place since around 1970. Recent improvements in physical- and chemo-stratigraphy and modelling allow us to examine in much more detail than hitherto the effects of a wide variety of natural causes, natural cycles, and greenhouse gases, and to integrate results from different land and ocean areas in ways not formerly possible.

The results of the meeting should help to inform the ongoing deliberations of the IPCC and to dispel some current misconceptions. The meeting will be divided into sessions on Ocean Change, Sea-Level Variability, Terrestrial Change, Ice Core Change, the Modelling of any or all of these, and the interaction between climate and humans.

A limited number of grants are available for assistance with travelexpenses to and from the conference. These will be granted on a case by case basis so please contact (steve[dot]whalley[at]geolsoc[dot]org[dot]uk) for an application form.

Conference paper and poster contributions are welcome. Please email your 150 word abstract to Steve Whalley by October 26, 2012. Full manuscripts for peer review for publication in a Special Publication of the GSL will be required at latest by 5 July 2013. GSL Special Publications are included in the Book Citation Index (BkCI), as part of Thomson Reuterâs Web of Science. Citation records will accrue towards an authorâs h-index.

For further information about the conference, or to submit a paper/poster abstract, please contact:Steve WhalleyThe Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BG T: 020 7434 9944 F: 020 7494 0579E: (steve[dot]whalley[at]geolsoc[dot]org[dot]uk) W: