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7th Symposium on the Atlantic Iberian Margin (MIA 2012)

Lisbon, Portugal
Meeting Category

The SYMPOSIUM ON THE ATLANTIC IBERIAN MARGIN (MIA 2012) aims at bringing together researchers from diverse scientific disciplines and different institutions contributing to build up knowledge on the past, present and future processes acting the Iberian Atlantic Margin.

In this context, the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FCUL) and the Portuguese Institute for Ocean and Atmosphere (IPMA) are organizing the 7th edition of this Conference and invite the participation of researchers and stakeholders with an interest in this region of the Atlantic.The 7th SYMPOSIUM ON THE ATLANTIC IBERIAN MARGIN (MIA 2012) associates two other international meetings sharing common objectives and aiming at trespassing scientific and methodology boundaries: the Iberian IGBP meeting (running in 2012 under the broad theme of global climate change and impacts in the coast and the ocean) and the meetings of the Portuguese and Spanish UNESCO project IGCP 588 (Preparing for Coastal Change) and INQUA Working Group for Long-Term Sea-level Records (Commission of Coastal and Marine Processes).

The Journal of Sea Research has given principle agreement in producing a Special Issue covering the themes addressed in the SYMPOSIUM ON THE ATLANTIC IBERIAN MARGIN and consisting of peer-reviewed contributions to this meeting. A first step towards this objective is to estimate the number of full papers that we can put together in due time. In this context, please let us know if you are willing to submit a paper to the special issue and send a provisional title (in English): please inform Teresa Drago ( (tdrago[at]ipimar[dot]pt)) until 30 September on this. We foresee that once a reasonable number of contributions is available, submission to the Guest Editors of the Special Issue could take place in March-April 2013 with publication in 2013.