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Interdisciplinarity in Geosciences in the Carpathian Basin

Suceava, Romania
Contact person
Marcel Mindrescu
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

Abstract deadline: 15 Sept 2012

The purpose of this Workshop is to bring together an international group of scientists and the local researchers focusing on the Carpathian Basin, in order to share the results of their research and discuss and promote opportunities for collaboration on topics such as geography, environment, botany, geology, biology and ecology in the Carpathian basin, one of the least studied and promoted areas in Europe as yet.

Furthermore, this workshop aims at an educational role by providing scientific training for young researchers and students by facilitating the contact with the latest developments in geosciences in the Carpathian region.The Workshop will be centered on presentations, open debates and exchanges of ideas concerning a wide range of topics related to the progress in geosciences in the Carpathian Basin. The proceedings will feature keynote presentations, working group sessions, discussions and poster presentations.

The proceedings of the Workshop will be ensued by a field trip to the formerly glaciated alpine ranges of the Romanian Northern Carpathians.

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