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9th International Carbon Dioxide Conference (ICDC9)

Daxing Qu, BJ, China
Meeting Category

The format of the conference will consist of a main line of invited and selected plenary presentations covering all fields of global carbon cycle research. Several extended poster sessions and a few parallel sessions on specific topics will complement the plenary. Participants will be asked to submit an extended abstract, which will be compiled into an electronic abstract volume prior to the conference and made available to all participants. Proceedings will be published as refereed papers in a special volume of Earth System Dynamics.

Conference Themes

1. Past and present changes and variabilities- Carbon cycle changes in the past- Variabilities on diurnal, seasonal, interannual and interdecadal timescales: Quantification, process study and attribution

2. Carbon sources and sinks, their changes and trends- Anthropogenic emissions: production, comsumption, trade, countries, regions and cities, spatial and temporal characteristics of CO2 emissions from fossil fuel, land use, and other sources - Sinks in the ocean and on land: natural and man-made CO2 sinks- Closing the carbon budget: from global to regional scales

3. Direct and indirect effects of high CO2 concentration in a warmer world- Ecosystem impacts- Ocean acidification and other effects- Carbon cycle vulnerabilities and carbon-climate feedbacks

4. Future of the carbon cycle and climate- Projection of emissions: fossil fuel, land use, etc.- Carbon management and carbon sequestration for climate change mitigation and adaptation and sustainable development