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18th International Cave Bear Syposium

Baile Herculane, Romania
Contact person
Silviu Constantin
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

Every year, the International Cave Bear Symposium (ICBS) gathers scientists worldwide toreport their newest discoveries and researches in cave bear, as well as other large mammalsdiscovered in caves and karst deposits.

In 2012, the ICBS will be organized in association with the International Workshop Fossil remainsin karst deposits and their role in reconstructing Quaternary paleoclimate andpaleoenvironments. While the ICBS is traditionally focused on cave bear, the workshop isintended to facilitate the participation of researchers from other areas of the Earth Sciences thatmay contribute to a better understanding of the stratigraphy of cave deposits, absolute and relativedating techniques, taphonomy of fossil assemblages and their significance for paleoclimatic andpaleoenvironmental reconstructions.

Topics covered

As usually, the 18th ICBS participants are welcomed to report their research on cave bears andother large mammals (e.g. cave hyaena, cave lion, etc.) discovered in cave or karst sites.

The International Workshop Fossil remains in karst is intended to foster the link between the cavebear community and scientists from other connected disciplines. We especially encourage oralpresentations on the following topics:

- methods and techniques for direct dating of fossil remains:- combined methods in dating stratigraphic profiles in caves:- multi-proxy approaches for reconstructing past environments and climate oscillations from cavedeposits:- stable isotopes from fossil remains and applications in paleoenvironment reconstruction:- aDNA techniques, progresses and limitations.

The workshop will preferentially include keynote-style presentations of which ~50% will be invited.In addition, a common poster session will be organized throughout the meeting.


Dr. Silviu ConstantinDr. Alexandru PetculescuMarius VlaicuMarius Robu(the “Emil Racovita” Institute of Speleology)

in cooperation with

Prof. Gernot Rabeder(Institute of Paleontology, University of Vienna, Austria)