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12th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference & EXPO SGEM2012

Albena, Bulgaria
Contact person
E-Mail address
+359 2 975 3982
Meeting Category

Abstract deadline: 10 march 2012Registration deadline: 10 May 2012

The 12th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference & EXPO SGEM2012 (Surveying Geology & mining Ecology Management) considers the questions concerned to the geology and mining, oil and gas, geodesy, photogrammetry, remote sensing, GIS, informatics, geoinformatics, micro and nanotechnologies, water resources, air and climate, ecosystems, soils, renewable energy, environmental protection, environmental economics. The SGEM2012 GeoConference will bring together scientists, educators, and practitioners representing research and educational institutions, companies, government agencies and consulting organizations from all over the world to exchange of ideas, to define the research priorities in the above fields and to propose potential solutions of problems related to the global changes.

Workshops will be held as a parallel to the conference sessions. This is an additional opportunity for SGEM participants to exchange views and to learn about best practice in environmental researches application and management. The concurrent SGEM Expo, related to the conference topics, is another excellent opportunity to promote company and to meet potential clients and business partners.

All theoretical, methodological and conceptual reports presenting contemporary geoscience development and problems solving ideas are expecting with a great interest. Special attention will be given to reports, proposing science based ideas for decision-making and adaptation to the new reality of global changes.Papers approved by the Review Committee, will be published into the SGEM Conference Proceedings (abstracts+full papers) (ISSN: 1314-2704) indexed by ISI Web of Knowledge, Web of Science, CrossRef. Selected papers will be submitted to SCOPUS , ProQuest.