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Modern Planktic Foraminifera and Ocean Changes

Amsterdam, Netherlands
Meeting Category

This is the kickoff meeting and first workshop of the SCOR-IGBP Working Group 138 Modern Planktic Foraminifera and Ocean Changes.

The main goal of the proposed WG is to synthesize the existing knowledge of modern planktic foraminifera, to build on this knowledge for identifying priority research and to transfer expertise to the generation of young researchers. The proposed working group will:

1. Synthesize the state of the science of modern planktic foraminifera, from pioneering to ongoing research including:

- their spatial and temporal distribution in the world ocean- their calcification mechanisms and shell chemistry- their eco-phenotypical and genotypical variability

2. Provide guidelines (cookbooks) in terms of species identification, experimental setup for culture studies, laboratory treatment prior to geochemical analysis by identifying existing gaps in the available knowledge in order to direct future research.

3. Establish an active Web-based network in cooperation with ongoing (inter)national research programmes and projects to guarantee an open-access world-wide dissemination of results, data and research plans.

Group co-chairs are Gerald Ganssen ( (gerald[dot]ganssen[at]falw[dot]vu[dot]nl)) and Michal Kucera ( (michal[dot]kucera[at]uni-tuebingen[dot]de)).
