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7th International Conference on Asian Marine Geology (ICAMG-7)

Goa, GA, India
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Abstract & registration deadline: 31 May 2011

ICAMG’s are a good opportunity for scientists to meet and exchange ideas and share information and to plan for new collaborations. This is the first ICAMG conference in South Asia.

The themes for ICAMG-7 are as follows:

1) Gas hydrate: recent development in exploration and experiments 2) Asian monsoon: land-ocean & tectonic-climate linkages 3) Tsunami – Understanding the past records 4) Sea level changes in Asian coasts and shelves 5) Tectonics, stratigraphy, and evolution of the continental shelf & slope 6) Marine Sedimentology: Source-to-sink sediment dynamics 7) Paleoceanography in Asian waters 8) Marine tectonics in Asia 9) Tectonics, Rifting Processes, Deep-Sea 10) Marine Minerals 11) Sediment and pore-water geochemistry