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Chemical Oceanography Gordon Research Conference 2011

Andover, MA, United States
Contact person
David J. Burdige
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

Registration deadline: 17 July 2011

The Gordon Research Conference on Chemical Oceanography has been held continuously for more than four decades, and continues to be a major forum for the discussion and exchange of ideas at the frontiers of a field that encompasses the chemical components, reaction mechanisms, and biogeochemical processes within the ocean, present and past, and at its interfaces with the atmosphere and solid earth.

The theme of the 2011 conference will be “Linking the time and space scales of chemical oceanography.” Talks will address topics that cross time and space scales, ranging from molecular processes occurring in fractions of a second to large-scale oceanic (and whole earth) processes occurring across deep time (and into the future). Talks within each session will also be structured to explore linkages across these time and space scales.


-The Marine Phosphorus Cycle: Past, Present and Future -New Insights into the Marine Nitrogen Cycle -Chemical Oceanography in Deep Time -Glacial-Interglacial Changes in Ocean Chemistry -Trace Element Cycling in the Ocean: Biotic Influences and Responses -Submarine Groundwater Discharge -Carbon Processing in the Coastal Ocean -Biogeochemical Processes in Marine Sediments Across Space and Time