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2nd Training School on Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) Modeling

Gävle, Sweden
Contact person
Niki Evelpidou
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

The main objective of this Training School is to give early-stage researchers whose principal area of expertise is not in GIA modeling an intensive training on numerical GIA modeling. The training will not be limited to the solid-earth deformation process of GIA only, but will also involve glaciological modeling of the disappearing Late-Pleistocene ice sheets on the one hand and GIA-induced sea-level change on the other hand. Sea-level change due to GIA is an important contributor to present-day sea-level rise and therefore the importance of this training school reaches far beyond the confines of COST ES0701.

Note: only participants from COST countries can be (partly) reim-bursed.

Applications can be submitted via the website