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14th EMS Annual Meeting & 10th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAC)

Prague, Czechia
Contact person
European Metorological Society
Meeting Category

Conference Theme: Creating climate services through partnerships.

Climate has and will continue to have a strong impact on the environment, on the economy and on health and safety. Societies need to adapt to present weather and climate on the one hand, but also develop new strategies for expected future conditions. It is vital that more services be created and existing ones improved, based on better monitoring and understanding, and on improved predictions of climate in the short, medium and long term.

In line with the Global Framework of Climate Services (GFCS) these initiatives are increasingly developed through partnerships and dialogue, between scientists, developers, providers and end-users, the primary aim being to support society to cope with high impact climate extremes.


MC3: Historical climatology and paleoclimatology
Convener: R. Brázdil |  Co-Conveners: Ulf Buentgen , Fidel González-Rouco , Ricardo García-Herrera 

The exceptional amplitude and rate of warming recorded at global, hemispherical and regional scales within contemporary instrumental records should be placed in the context of longer-term multi-centennial and millennial climate variability in order to both assess its uniqueness and better understand the mechanisms that contribute to the background of natural climate variability. Systematic meteorological measurements only span over a relatively short time interval. Thus, documentary evidence and natural climate proxies are used for the reconstruction and understanding of longer term past climate variability.

This session welcomes presentations related to various topics related to this frame:
• early instrumental meteorological measurements, their history and use for the long-term series
• documentary evidence and its features (advantages, disadvantages limits)
• natural climate proxies and its features (advantages, disadvantages, limits)
• methodological improvements and analysis of climate reconstruction approaches both from documentary evidence and natural climatic proxies
• results of climate reconstructions over different regions based on various climatic sources
• hydrological and meteorological extremes (e.g. floods, hurricanes, windstorms, tornadoes, hailstorms, frosts) and their human impacts in relation to climate variability beyond the instrumental period.
• climate modelling of the last 2K and comparison of model outputs with reconstructed/observed climatological data
• past impacts of climate variability on natural processes and human society
• past and recent perception of the climate and its variability
• history of meteorology and meteorological and climatological knowledge
• discussion of natural and anthropogenic forcings as well as recent warming at global, regional and local scales in a long-term context.

To submit an abstract:


The abstract submission deadline is 15 April 2014. In case you would like to apply for financial support, please submit an application no later than 12 March 2014.